DOC Kelvin Lutano Profile


Born: Great Rift City, Mars
Date: Jul 19 2246 (Age 22)
Rank: Ensign

Technical Qualification:
Wep Basic: Wep Advanced: Wep Tactical

Grew up under the Martian education system, which focuses on Intensive schooling up to Age 16, when he passed the examinations to became a full Martian citizen.

Military training at the Mars orbital academy. Basic training included three months at the Phobos Marine base for basic weapons training and ship operations around Jupiter.
Passed the basic training with flying colours, given a place in officer training at the Jupiter military academy.

Graduated with cluster from the Jupiter Military academy with WEP - advanced qualifications.

Served one 4 month training duty on active service. First mission as active bridge crew was onboard the Rome.

Captured by Edison Hayes and persuaded to join his crew on the Spartacus.

Note: Our operatives discovered he was flagged as 'not command material' on his confidential files. Would never have made it past Second Lieutenant due to being 'ideologically unsound' and having expressed 'anti commonwealth sympathies'. (Publicly expressed sympathy for the blockade of Indie planetary assets).