DOC Edison Hayes Profile


Born: Cargo transport 'Capricorn', En-route to Proxima Centauri
Date: Dec 23 2236 (Age 32)

Rank: Captain

Technical Qualifications:
Nav Basic: Nav Advanced.
Maint Basic
Wep Basic: Wep Advanced: Wep Tactical
Cmd Basic

Born the first son of a freighter crew family. Spent most of his childhood in the cargo handling yards of Proxima and Tau Ceti. Gained piloting qualifications at a young age. Flew transport ships for commercial freight companies.

Joined the Independent Movement to break free of the oppressive contracts, licenses and tariffs imposed by the Commonwealth.

After joining the movement he piloted several ships, culminating with a term on Quartermaster McDuff's Patrol Combatant class Ship: The Indecent Proposal.

Was given temporary command of the Indecent Proposal when McDuff commandeered the Harvard. McDuff was so impressed with his performance he gave him a ship of his own, an old Puffin class Tug named Red Shirt.

Operations in the Red Shirt gained him many commendations from Indie command and a reputation as a good captain. They also made him a wanted man in the Commonwealth.

In operations in Megiddo-A the Red Shirt came under Navy attack. Red Shirt was lost to a Navy boarding party, but in a brilliant maneuver he managed to steal the boarding party's Corvette - the CNV Rome.

Upon return to Priesthole the Rome was re-sprayed, refitted and renamed the Spartacus.