DOC Mary-Beth 'belle' Dawson Profile


Born: Delta Pavonis Biodome
Date: Feb 7 2240 (Age 28)
Rank: Lieutenant.

Technical Qualifications:
Maint Basic, Maint Advanced
Eng Basic, Eng Advanced. Eng Master of.

Personal History:
Born on a Corporation owned Biodome orbiting around Delta Pavonis in the Hydrus triangle.

Given a corporate scholarship at the Pavonis technical institute. Passed Engineering with distinction. Obliged to take 10 year indenture contract to repay the sponsoring corporation for her scholarship.

Converted to Indies after two years service. Started by performing technical work at Indie shipyards around Metallake.

Promoted to Shipboard engineer on the modified Tug HardWire. Served on several other ships, then headed a technical crew and commanded the refit of several ships including overseeing part of the refit of the UNO.
Impressed Captain Hayes during the refit of the Red Shirt. Hayes requested her as Shipboard engineer.

Transferred to the Spartacus when the Red shirt was lost, and supervised the refit of that ship too. The Spartacus is a testament to her engineering skills with many modifications to enhance its performance over the standard Navy spec.

Personality Profile:
Emotionally stable.
Intelligent and highly skilled. Believes in the Indie cause, but not willing to sacrifice life needlessly.
Values personal loyalty.
Prone to taking risks if there is even a slight chance of success, rather than accept failure.
Hasn't lost a ship yet to technical failures or malfunctions.

A Valuable person to have on your side.