FORTE Technologies Quake Driver v2.03 2/17/97 --------------------------------------------- TO USE THIS DRIVER: ------------------- Install the patch by copying PATCH.EXE into your Quake directory and executing it. You can un-install the patch by executing PATCH again in your quake directory. Once you have successfully installed the patch, run the new VFX1QKE.EXE from within your Quake directory to play Quake with the VFX1 HEADGEAR. To play Quake using the VFX1 HEADGEAR and the Windows Sockets network interface, run VFX1Q95.BAT. IMPORTANT NOTE: --------------- If you run Quake with the new patch installed WITHOUT running VFX1QKE and if you have a mouse installed, the game will not work correctly. Un-install the patch before playing Quake without the VFX1 HEADGEAR. CONFIGURING THIS DRIVER: ------------------------ As with past drivers, there are several sensitivity adjustments that can be made by editing the VFX1QKE.INI file. Edit the VFX1QKE.INI file with a normal text editor like DOS EDIT or the Windows Notepad. Unlike past drivers, in this version of VFX1QKE, the button fuctions of the puck are now configured from within Quake instead of in the INI file. You can easily change the configuration of the puck buttons from within Quake by using the 'Control Configuration' menu screen. For configuration purposes, Quake treats the puck as a three button mouse. Quake is a trademark of id Software. To Contact FORTE Technologies Technical Support: ------------------------------------------------ email: http: // voice phone: 716-427-8604 M-F, 10am-6pm EST