20 ID_ERR_OK 21 ID_ERR_SOCKET_CREATE 22 ID_ERR_CONNECT_TIMEOUT 23 ID_ERR_CONNECT_ERROR 24 ID_ERR_INI_NOT_FOUND 25 ID_ERR_ADDRESS 26 ID_ERR_PORT 27 ID_ERR_DLL_LOAD 28 ID_ERR_IPC_START 29 ID_ERR_WINDOW_CREATE 30 ID_ERR_SOCKET_INIT 31 ID_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER 40 No command line parameters given.\n(usage: CAML.EXE /A /D /P /N ) 41 Command line parameter passed is not valid. 42 Command line parameter missing.\n(usage: CAML.EXE /A /D /P /N ) 43 Cam Launcher Configure Error\nCan't re-configure this internal library machine. 44 Copyright (c) 1996 ENGAGE Games Online, All rights reserved.\n\n 45 Game Client Session Manager has already been loaded.\nOnly one game client per session is allowed. 46 Directory Buffer too small for MAX_PATH 47 Display Changed 48 Failed to establish communications with host. 49 ENGAGE System Script File Error: Bad Communications Executable Name.\nFailed to start local process. 50 This space for rent 51 This space for rent 52 ENGAGE System Script File Error: Missing EGO File, or not the first parameter.\nEGO file must be first parameter on the command line. 53 Game Client could not launch.\nGame may not be installed properly, please re-install the game. 54 Leaky Watering Can. Please see your ENGAGE representative for repairs. 55 ENGAGE System Script File Error: Error in script or missing executable.\nFailed to find Game Client.\nThe game may need to be re-installed. 56 Unable to activate help 57 This is not a stand-alone application. No help available from here. 58 ENGAGE System Script File Error: Bad Directory Name. 59 ENGAGE System Script File Error: Bad Executable Name . 60 ENGAGE System Script File errror: Game Client key broken or missing from Script.\n\nThe game may need to be re-installed. 61 Failed to change to requested directory, or bad Script Name. 62 ENGAGE System Script File error: Corrupted or missing File\n\nPlease download the game client again and re-install.\n 63 Engage system error\nUnable to start communications. 64 ENGAGE: Client Application Manager / Launcher 65 ENGAGE Go file 70 Client Session Manager section appears to be broken . 91 %s\nError Code (%d) Sub %d\n%s\n%s 92 \n\nLINE %d\nFILE %s\nCOMPILE %s 1000 MSDOS or WINDOWS ERROR.