#1 &10 Your Field Commander reports: Majesty, we are at the border of the land of %01 and ready to attack %00. My lieutenant estimates their morale is %03 and they have %02 troops for defense. You: @2 Attack! Run away! #2 &6 Your Field Commander reports: Majesty, would you have me attack the holy Church? The troops will surely refuse, so I am returning immediately. @1 Okay #3 &6 Your Field Commander reports: Majesty! It is a great day! The barons of %00 have sworn their allegiance to you! Soon, all of Bretagne will follow. @1 Okay #4 &6 Your Field Commander reports: Majesty, we have failed you. The army of %00 was too much for us. Surely they are more blessed than we! @1 Okay #5 &11 Your Garrison Captain reports: Sire! We have been attacked by the forces of %00! They were no match for us and the land of %01 remains under your rightful command! My second in command informs me that the enemy lost %02 troops in the attempt. @1 Okay #6 &10 Your Garrison Captain reports: Sire! We have been attacked by the forces of %00! I regret to inform you that the land of %01 has been lost. My second in command informs me that we have lost %02 troops in the battle. @1 Okay #7 &8 Your royal seneschal confers with you: Sire, it is now time to feed your troops. Your %00 troops will require %01 grain." You: @2 Feed them Delay a month #8 &8 Your royal seneschal bustles red faced into the room: Sire! We do not have enough gold in the royal treasury to honor this commitment! I fear the people will lose faith in you if this continues. @1 Okay #9 &8 Your royal seneschal confers with you: Sire, it is now time to pay your troops. Your %00 troops will require %01 gold in payment. You: @2 Pay them Delay a month #10 &12 An emissary from %00 enters your court: Your majesty, we are a peaceful people, and wish to live as neighbors with you. A generous gift of %01 gold from you would assure us of your peaceful intentions. You: @3 Agree Refuse Kill him #11 &7 The emissary from %00 smiles slightly and asks again: Would you give us %01 gold then? It is a small price to pay for peace. You: @3 Agree Refuse Kill him #12 &6 The emissary from %00 smiles jubilantly and exclaims: Thank you your Majesty! I'm sure our relations are sure to grow closer in friendship and trust. @1 Okay #13 &6 The emissary from %00 grimaces as he prepares to leave: Your Majesty, I fear your lack of good faith is driving a wedge between our lands. @1 Okay #14 &9 An emissary from the Pope enters your court: Your majesty, the Pope is concerned about your sins, but is willing to grant an indulgence for %00 gold. You: @3 Agree Refuse Kill him #15 &8 The emissary from the Pope smiles slightly and asks again: Would you give us %00 gold then? It is a small price to pay for the security of Church and State. You: @3 Agree Refuse Kill him #16 &8 The emissary from the Pope smiles jubilantly and exclaims: Thank you your Majesty! There is nothing better than Church and State, united under God's guidance. His Holiness will be most pleased with you. @1 Okay #17 &7 The emissary from the Pope grimaces as he prepares to leave: Your Majesty, I fear your lack of faith is most disturbing. I fear for your very soul when I give this news to his Holiness. @1 Okay #18 &5 Sire! Surely you can't be serious! If you kill this emissary, then all the lands will turn against you for your cruelty! @2 Don't kill him Kill him #19 &10 A merchant from %00 enters your court: Sire, I bring you an opportunity for trade. We are in need of %01 and have %02 to trade for it. Would you be willing to make a deal? You trade: @1 No deal #20 &6 Your Garrison Captain bursts into your chambers: Sire! We have been struck by a Saboteur! He was successful in %00. @1 Okay #21 &9 Your chief spy meets with you in a dark corner of the gardens: Your Majesty, here is a report on the spy you sent to %00. They have %01 territories, and an army &01 strong. The Happiness of their people is %02. @1 Okay #22 &1 Council message. @1 Okay #23 &3 Sire! Your castle in %00 is complete! May you soon rule all of Bretagne! @1 Okay #24 &8 Your Garrison Captain come to you: Sire, I bring bad news. The people of %00 have refused your authority and revolted against you! I fear you no longer control that territory. @1 Okay #25 &9 Your Garrison Captain triumphantly enters your court, leading a man in chains: Sire! We caught this saboteur before he could do us any damage. During interrogation, we learned he was sent by %00 and that they have an army %01 strong. @1 Okay #26 &7 Your Chief spy slips you a note as you pass him in a corridor: The note says that the saboteur you had sent to %00 had met with great success! He %01. @1 Okay #27 &8 You find a note at your bedside when you awake. It is from your Chief spy: The note appologizes for failure and informs you that the saboteur you sent to %00 was caught and imprisoned. @1 Okay #28 &11 You receive a visit from an emissary of Innocent Benedict, The Pope of the Holy Church. Sire, for your crimes against God, his holiness has stricken you assunder from the flock of christ. No christian may deal with you, and no diplomatic missions will be accepted by the Pope. @1 Okay #29 &10 You receive a visit from an emissary of Innocent Benedict, The Pope of the Holy Church. Your Majesty, The Pope has recieved your confessions, and has decided to lift your excommunication. You are hereby granted the full rights of a christian under God. @1 Okay #30 &14 You receive a visit from an emissary of Innocent Benedict, The Pope of the Holy Church. Sire, the Pope regrets that your name has been withrawn from the list of potential kings at this time. Something about not keeping your score high enough. As he leaves, your royal seneschal whispers that you need to keep your score above 5000 after you claim the throne. @1 Okay #31 &5 The news spreads like wildfire throughout the lands! The Pope is considering %00 for the Throne! @1 Okay #32 &11 The news spreads like wildfire throughout the lands! The Pope has named %00 to the Throne! %00 is the new king! The new king has ordered all his rivals executed! Sadly, that includes you..... @1 Okay #33 &13 ** You have won!** The news spreads like wildfire throughout the lands! The Pope has named %00 to the Throne! You are the new king! You have won this game of Castles II Online! Congratulations! @1 Okay #34 &7 Your Garrison Captain bursts into your Chambers! Sire! All is lost! You no longer control any territories in the land, and have been banished into exile. @1 Okay #35 &3 %00 has lost all of their territories and has been banished from the lands! @1 Okay #36 &10 After a banquet, your Garrison Captain pulls you aside and confers with you... Sire, it has come to my attention that the territory of %00 is dangerously close to revolt! If you build a castle there or in an adjecent territory, I think a revolt can be prevented. @1 Okay #37 &12 An envoy from his holiness, Pope Innocent Benedict, arrives with a message from the Pope. Your Majesty, his holiness wishes you to know that you have been a good son of the church, and that he is impressed with your charity and love of god. If you would submit a claim to the throne, his holiness would provide all due backing. @2 Decline Claim throne #38 &15 Your royal seneschal confers with you: Sire, before you can gather food, you need to have a territory with Grain as it's commodity. You need to have an Administrative task open for the task. You may only have 1 Gather Food task running at a time. You may not harvest more grain if you have 50 in stock already. @1 Okay #39 &15 Your royal seneschal confers with you: Sire, before you can cut timber, you need to have a territory with Timber as it's commodity. You need to have an Administrative task open for the task. You may only have 1 Cut Timber task running at a time. You may not cut Timber if you already have 50 units in stock. @1 Okay #40 &15 Your royal seneschal confers with you: Sire, before you can mine iron, you need to have a territory with Iron as it's commodity. You need to have an Administrative task open for the task. You may only have 1 Mine Iron task running at a time. You may not mine iron if you have 50 units in stock already. @1 Okay #41 &15 Your royal seneschal confers with you: Sire, before you can refine gold, you need to have a territory with Gold as it's commodity. You need to have an Administrative task open for the task. You may only have 1 Refine Gold task running at a time. You may not refine Gold if you already have 50 units in stock. @1 Okay #42 &21 Your royal seneschal confers with you: Sire, before you can build a castle, you need to have the following resources: You need to have an Administrative task open for the task. An Administrative rating of at least 3 with at least 2 points available. 1 unit of Grain. 3 units of Wood. 1 unit of Iron. 2 units of Gold. @1 Okay #43 &19 Your royal seneschal confers with you: Sire, before you can police your realm, you need to have the following resources: 1 Military point must be available. You need to have a Military task open for the task. You may only run 1 Police Realm task at a time. Police Realm is active while it's running, adding more points to the task makes it last longer. @1 Okay #44 &16 Your royal seneschal confers with you: Sire, before you can recruit additional Infantry, you need to have the following resources: 1 Military point must be available. You need to have a Military task open for the task. 1 unit of Iron. 1 unit of Gold. @1 Okay #45 &20 Your royal seneschal confers with you: Sire, before you can recruit additional Archers, you need to have the following resources: A Military rating of at least 2 points, 1 of which must be available for the task. You need to have a Military task open for the task. 1 unit of Timber. 1 unit of Gold. You may not recruit more Archers than you have Infantry. @1 Okay #46 &19 Your royal seneschal confers with you: Sire, before you can recruit additional Knights, you need to have the following resources: A Military rating of at least 6 points, 1 of which must be available for the task. You need to have a Military task open for the task. 1 unit of Food. 1 unit of Timber. 1 unit of gold. You may only recruit half as many Knights as you have Infantry. @1 Okay #47 &22 Your royal seneschal confers with you: Sire, before you can construct a Ballista, you need to have the following resources: A Military rating of at least 5 points, 4 of which must be available for the task. You need to have a Military task open for the task. 1 unit of Timber. 1 unit of Iron. 1 unit of gold. You may only have one Ballista in your arsenal of Seige Engines. @1 Okay #48 &22 Your royal seneschal confers with you: Sire, before you can construct a Catapult, you need to have the following resources: A Military rating of at least 6 points, 5 of which must be available for the task. You need to have a Military task open for the task. 2 unit of Timber. 1 unit of Iron. 1 unit of gold. You may only have one Catapult in your arsenal of Seige Engines. @1 Okay #49 &22 Your royal seneschal confers with you: Sire, before you can construct a Seige Tower, you need to have the following resources: A Military rating of at least 7 points, 6 of which must be available for the task. You need to have a Military task open for the task. 2 unit of Timber. 2 unit of Iron. 1 unit of gold. You may only have one Seige Tower in your arsenal of Seige Engines. @1 Okay #50 &20 Your royal seneschal confers with you: Sire, before you can attack a territory, you need to have the following resources: A Military rating of at least 2 points, all of which must be available for the task. You need to have a Military task open for the task. Your people's happiness must be 3 or greater. 1 unit of Iron. At least 2 Infantry units. @1 Okay #51 &15 Your royal seneschal confers with you: Sire, before you can sabotage a territory, you need to have the following resources: A Military rating of at least 3 points, 2 of which must be available for the task. You need to have a Military task open for the task. 1 unit of gold. @1 Okay #52 &12 Your royal seneschal confers with you: Sire, before you can scout a territory, you need to have the following resources: At least 1 Political point available. You need to have a Political task open for the task. @1 Okay #53 &17 (Unimplemented feature.) Your royal seneschal confers with you: Sire, before you can spy on your enemies, you need to have the following resources: A Political rating of at least 3 points, 2 of which must be available for the task. You need to have a Political task open for the task. 1 unit of Gold. @1 Okay #54 &17 (Unimplemented feature.) Your royal seneschal confers with you: Sire, before you can send a diplomatic envoy, you need to have the following resources: A Political rating of at least 3 points, 2 of which must be available for the task. You need to have a Political task open for the task. 1 unit of Gold. @1 Okay #55 &15 (Unimplemented feature.) Your royal seneschal confers with you: Sire, before you can send a merchant party, you need to have the following resources: A Political rating of at least 3 points, 2 of which must be available for the task. You need to have a Political task open for the task. @1 Okay #56 &20 Your royal seneschal confers with you: Sire, before you can spread happiness throughout your realm, you need to have the following resources: A Political rating of at least 2 points, 1 of which must be available for the task. You need to have a Political task open for the task. 1 unit of Food. 1 unit of Timber. 1 unit of Gold. @1 Okay #57 &19 (Unimplemented feature.) Your royal seneschal confers with you: Sire, before you can convene a council, you need to have the following resources: A Political rating of at least 3 points, all of which must be available for the task. You need to have a Political task open for the task. 1 unit of Food. 1 unit of Gold. @1 Okay #58 &9 Your royal seneschal confers with you: Sire, I fear that the Blackmarket isn't operating in this region. Perhaps if you had 3 of any commodity, they would sense this and return... @1 Okay #59 &17 Your royal seneschal confers with you: Sire, his holiness, Pope Innocent Benedict has set down strict guidelines for asserting your claim to the throne. You need a score higher than the claim minimum for this game. You need a relation of 9 with the Pope. You need to maintain both for 4 months after asserting your claim. @1 Okay #60 &9 The emissary from the Pope smiles slightly and asks again: Would you sign a new friendship agreement then? It is a small commitment to make for the security of Church and State. You: @3 Agree Refuse Kill him #61 &10 An emissary for the Pope has arrived to take posession of the ceded territory: Your majesty, his holiness the Pope thanks you for your generosity and your adherence to the one true faith. He is most pleased with this valuable gift. @1 Okay #62 &7 Your royal seneschal confers with you: Sire, the Pope is only interested in taking possesion of lands that are not adjecent to the ones already owned by the Church. @1 Okay #63 &7 Your Field Commander reports: Majesty! Our supply lines have been cut and we have been forced to turn back! A thousand appologies for our failure, my lord. @1 Okay