; ; Text Labels for Gettysburg ; @LABELS 313 WAITING for PAUSED battery brigade AM PM January February March April May June July August September October November December st nd rd th An aide reports OK Find vs CLEAR Seminary Ridge Cemetary Hill Twilight Attack Counterattack more Begins Ends Casualties Infantry Cavalry Artillery Enemy casualties colors Confederate Union Score Decisive Tactical Marginal Victory Held Lost Captured Attacked Variant RESULT Division Corps en route TOTAL Courier Messages %STR0's battery %STR0's btty %STR0's brigade %STR0 Regt. Assault Probe Wait Rally Defend Hold Line Skirmish D.Quick Wheel Halt Advance FallBack Retreat Battle Double Road Maneuver Adv LOS Attach Unlimber Limber Targ. Inf. Atty Auto Targ. Charge NoStop Brig. Support Skirm Deploy Flank Rest Move captured General Targeting wounded rallied routed surrenders Mediocre Competent Experienced Superb Cav. Brigade Cmdr. Napoleons Rifles Green Trained Veteran Crack troops ROUTED Rallying slowly steadily quickly Dbl.Line Reserve Btl.Line Corn Wheat Marsh Woods Orchard Rocky Chrg! Rtr. Qck. FBk. Hld! Whl. Oblq. Blkd: Dpl. Ord. Ref. Trgt. Genl. Regular Elite Blk. Det. Firing at %STR0 %STR0's Battery %STR0's Brigade %STR0's Batty BATTLE SUMMARY CONFEDERATE DECISIVE VICTORY TACTICAL MARGINAL UNION driven back repulsed %STR0's men Regt Btty Div. Column Routed Obq. Chg! More Yes No Player added dropped Opponent MultiPlayer Setup Scenario Players READY Not Ready Corporal Captain Colonel Game Canceled SynchErr: %NUM0/%NUM1 was %STR0 rcvd %STR1 from %STR2. %STR0's %STR1 transfered to %STR2. Synch Done Skirmish near %STR0! Altercation at %STR0! Engagement at %STR0! Battle of %STR0! Tactical Tip From %STR0: Battery Confed Union UNION CASUALTIES CONFEDERATE CASUALTIES Union Casualty Score Confederate Casualty Score Enemy Colors UNION SCORE CONFEDERATE SCORE Decisive Union Victory! Union Tactical Victory Marginal Union Victory Decisive Confederate Victory! Confederate Tactical Victory Marginal Confederate Victory of Confederate Order Of Battle Union Order Of Battle Up Down Exit ARTILLERY Artillery en route Troops en route SENIOR OFFICERS Overall Command Army of Northern Virginia Army of the Potomac In Reserve Play Options Speculative Multiplayer Victory Points Victory Points (VP) VP regiments more en route batteries cannon Battle Line formation Double Line formation Skirmish Line formation Maneuver Column formation Road Column formation Held in Reserve Smoothbore Napoleons Three-Inch Rifles Game View Map Reports Info Leaders Bugle Calls Load a Saved Game Randomized Scenario Creating a Scenario Sound Effects Off Faint Moderate Loud Very Loud Change current preferences? No unit reselect on drag Right click moves unit Flags show relative strength Exaggerate elevations Sparse trees and small houses Show terrain grid Map rotate moves camera Map scrolling disabled Skip scenario introductions No Tactical Tips Maximize Game Speed More units in scenarios Reselect unit on drag Right click centers map Flags show unit morale Normal elevations Normal trees and houses Textured terrain Map rotate moves map Map scrolling enabled Show scenario introductions Show Tactical Tips Maximize Graphic Detail Fewer units in scenarios Sessions No Available Sessions Join Create Cancel Chat Waiting For Host... Evening Loading Icons... Loading Art... Loading Fonts... Loading Sounds... Morning, July 1st. --- HALL of VALOR --- Full Draw on Scroll Minimal Draw on Scroll Small Artillery Graphic Normal Artillery Graphic Extended Scenario Time Normal Scenario Time @ ; This line must remain at end of file