Running The XS Demo in Windows 95 + DOS ------------------------------------------------------- This text file contains information on running XS under DOS and Windows 95. Read it! (or else you won't know what it says) System Requirements --------------------------- Absolute Minimum: An IBM or 100% compatible Pentium with 8Mb RAM, an SVGA PCI 1Mb graphics card, 20Mb free hard disk space, sound card and mouse. Seriously Recommended: A Pentium 133 with 16MB RAM, SVGA PCI graphics card, 20Mb free hard disk space, Soundblaster 16/awe32 sound card, mouse, and decent speakers with a sub-bass unit turned right up. Supported Input Devices: Keyboard and Mouse. Graphics: SVGA required and demanded (2Mb or above would be good). Supported Sound Cards: Sound Blaster or 100% Compatible, Sound Blaster Pro, SoundBlaster 16 / Awe 32, Roland Rap-10, Pro Audio Spectrum, Gravis Ultrasound, New Media Corporation Wavejammer (TM) Digital Audio, Ensoniq Soundscape (TM) Digital Audio, Microsoft Windows (TM) Sound System or 100% Compatible, ESS Technology ES688 Digital Audio. Installing the demo in DOS ----------------------------------- Once the demo is unzipped, go into the directory you unzipped it to and type SETSOUND to set up your sound card. When this is correctly set up type XS Installing the demo in Windows 95 ------------------------------------------ Once unzipped, go to the directory you unzipped the demo to (either by Explorer or via the 'My computer' Icon) and double click on the SETSOUND.EXE file to set up the sound card, when this is done double click on the XS.EXE file. In the XS directory you will also find an XS Icon file which you can use if you want to create a shortcut. For information on creating and setting up a shortcut please consult your Windows 95 documentation. Technical Problems ---------------------------------- Windows 95 DOS box -------------------------- In most cases the demo will run quite happily in a DOS box under Windows 95, i.e. select the MS-DOS icon within Windows 95, and then follow the instructions for running as a DOS game. Due to the DOS box only being an emulation of DOS, there can be problems with game speed as Windows 95 uses virtual memory to manage certain functions and some sound cards have difficulties due to interrupt emulation. If you experience sound problems or unexpected crashes, particularly when attempting to autodetect or select your soundcard during the install process then please use the 'Reboot As MS-DOS' instructions detailed below. Selecting your sound card configuration manually during the installation process may work correctly even if the autodetection failed. Reboot As MS-DOS ------------------------ If you cannot run reliably from a DOS box, you should use this mode. Select 'Reboot As MS-DOS' from the START->SHUTDOWN menu option. Your machine will reboot into DOS mode at this point. On some machines you may have difficulty in accessing your CD-ROM drive as by default the CD-ROM driver is not in your CONFIG.SYS, and MSCDEX is not loaded in your AUTOEXEC.BAT. Make sure these are present to enable XS to be run - the drivers required should have been packaged with your CD-ROM Drive/Computer from your CD-ROM supplier. If they were not, you must contact your hardware supplier! If you experience and problems with the demo then try removing your memory manager (ie EMM386, QEMM386)from your CONFIG.SYS. If you are unsure how to do this then please consult the documentation for your Operating System. Command line Options ---------------------------- For disabling the CD audio in the game type.....XS /D in the directory you installed the game to. For disabling the sound in game type.....XS /S in the directory you installed the game to. For further information on XS and other SCi products, visit our web site at: 1996 SCi (Sales Curve Interactive) Ltd. All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying, rental, resale, public performance and broadcast is prohibited. SCi is a trademark of SCi (Sales Curve Interactive) Ltd. E&OE Head Office: SCi (Sales Curve Interactive) Ltd. Unit 11, Ivory House, Plantation Wharf, Clove Hitch Quay, Battersea, London SW11 3TN, England, UK. Tel: +44 (0)171 585 3308 - Fax +44 (0)171 924 3419 That's it! There is no more!