INSTRUCTIONS for v1.01 patch to Over the Reich. This patch will update v1.0 of OTR31.EXE : the Windows 3.1 version of Over the Reich. (A patch for OTR95.EXE, the Windows 95 version, is separately available). Be sure to visit our website at for the latest information! NOTE: You can determine the version number of Over the Reich by selecting the "About Over the Reich..." menu item when Over the Reich is running. The version number is shown in the lower-left corner of the window that appears. 1. You have downloaded a file called PATCH31.EXE. 2. "Self-extract" the file by double-clicking it (in Windows 95) or typing "PATCH31" (in DOS). 3. Three files will appear. This text file you are currently reading (README.TXT) is one of them (so you must have figured out how to do the first two steps already). The other files are PATCH.EXE and PATCH.RTP. 4. Copy PATCH.EXE and PATCH.RTP over to the directory in which the Over the Reich application resides (it ought to be C:\OVRREICH unless you changed the default during installation). 5. Switch to the C:\OVRREICH directory (or wherever the Over the Reich application is). 6. Double-click on PATCH.EXE (in Windows 95) or type "PATCH" (in DOS). This will update your copy of Over the Reich. __________________________________________________________________________ Version history for Over the Reich by Big Time Software, Inc. December 15, 1996 *** PC/Windows version *** 1.01 ==== * Bomber defensive fire has been reduced in effectiveness. * A centering 'c' key resets flight stick to straight-ahead. * A new menu option, "Easier Computer Player", reduces effectiveness of all computer-player gunfire, including defensive fire. * Reinforcements at combat scale are less frequent, especially later in the dogfight. * Your fighter squadrons are more likely to set up for a head-on attack versus bombers (especially true for jets). * Airplanes and pilots suffer damage and loss of consciousness from high-G maneuvers less often and for shorter periods now. * v1.0 had a bug where friendly bombers that escaped during a dogfight would be lost from your squadron if your remaining fighters subsequently disengaged and left enemy fighters behind. This is fixed. * When your airplanes were surprised, v1.0 had a bug that sometimes caused some of them to disengage automatically without you telling them to. This has been fixed. * The AI is changed a little: it's now harder to use your wingmen as "bait" for the computer. * Sometimes in v1.0, certain airplanes, when loaded with rockets or bombs and traveling at low speed, would be unable to bank even one increment. This has been fixed. 1.0 === * Original program release.