Jagged Alliance DEADLY GAMES v1.13 Update September 30, 1996 ========================================================================== Thanks for getting this patch! Changes from version 1.00 to 1.10 ---------------------------------- - Fixed a bug whereby mercs weren't speaking up when they were supposed to if you happened to be in a sub-screen (e.g. inventory), or a bullet was in action, etc.. - Fixed a bug where the F9 key feature didn't update the number of enemies seen when enemies were killed and didn't work properly in "sector" view. - Mercs weren't reporting any fallen items (off dead opponents) if they still had other opponents in view; now they are. - Fixed a minor bug where an hidden opponent's footprints could be revealed prematurely. - Format of mercenary profiles was changed due to inadvertent leak of PROED.EXE. Because users could change attributes that could cause wacky things to happen (possibly even crashes) that would be hard to support, we had no choice but to change it. Also, to keep some personality events a surprise, some profile changes were made. Sorry! - Modem dialing input now allows asterisks and accepts longer phone numbers. - Fixed a bug that allowed action points to go negative resulting in being able to spend APs you didn't have during movement. - Fixed a bug whereby restoring a multiplayer campaign save game could cause Micky auction screwups; this was pretty brutal as it could prevent someone from being able to start a mission. - Fixed a "blue flag" bug whereby if you disarmed a "trigger 2", it didn't remove the blue flag. Our appologies to those frustrated with trying to complete the "Steal formulas on CD" mission - it was still possible, but a pain. - Fixed a minor bug where trying to "uncrouch" from a crouched aiming position didn't always work properly. - The "critical error handler" routine has being causing DOS4GW crashes on some machines (at address 1:00081B2C); this routine has been turned "off". - Now allowing mission success for both parties that have the same OCCUPY AREA or REACH AREA missions. See section below on MISSION SUCCESS FOR ALLIES for more details. - The BIGGIE: New turn limit features have been added. Now you'll have the ability to adjust the turn limits to (hopefully) suit your taste. The following is a description of the available options (keep in mind the difference between the two columns is only "Regular Action Points" versus "Increased Action Points"): Reg APs w/Limits Inc APs w/Limits ----------------- ----------------- Same as before - when the limit is up, it's up. Reg APs Inc Limits Inc APs Inc Limits ------------------- ------------------- Turn Limit will be increased by 40% ; however, when it's up, it's up. Reg APs Limits = + Inc APs Limits = + ------------------- ------------------- If you fall into the category of players who enjoy the turn limit challenge but wish for extra salvaging time, we've tried to address that as well. With the turn limit option left ON, if you reach the turn limit having achieved your mission objective, you'll be presented with the option to stick around until you hit the 'W' (withdraw team) key WITHOUT HAVING TO ELIMINATE ALL OPPONENTS. We call this the "Limit equals more" (time) option and it is available for single player games only. Reg APs No Limits Inc APs No Limits ------------------ ------------------ Turn Limits no longer exist, which means you can take as much time as you want to complete your objective as well as salvage goodies. If you use this option, the turn limits will still appear (albeit darkened) in the initial mission screen and mission review screen for reference. This option is available for single player gameplay only. To end your mission, you'll need to withdraw your team (using the 'W' key) and must have eliminated all opponents first. IMPORTANT: ----------- These options are available in the "bullet" option screen *before* starting a scenario or campaign. If you need to update a game in progress, we've allowed a way to affect a *campaign* game by calling up the mission review screen (the one during the actual mission) and pressing the "T" key. Each time you press the "T" key you'll upgrade one level. There is no way to go backwards, so be careful! FUN DISCLAIMER --------------- Now, unfortunately, some of these options will allow you to gather many more goodies in the main campaign than the design called for, resulting in less balanced (read easier) gameplay. When the main campaign was designed, a *lot* more items were placed in the scenarios to increase the chances of you finding specific items, knowing you wouldn't have the time to collect everything. If you DO play without turn limits, you'll probably find so much stuff, you'll never need a mechanic; but at least the choice is yours. Also, some missions may become *more* challenging with additional turns, where you won't get "saved by the bell" so early... Changes from version 1.10 to 1.11 ---------------------------------- - Fixed a bug that incorrectly advised you that your mission was not complete upon trying to Withdraw your team for certain mission types when playing with NO TURN LIMITS. - Fixed minor bug regarding a first-aid message. - Fixed an AP bug with grenade launchers. - Fixed a multiplayer bug where mercs collapsing due to lack of breath/energy would not always collapse on other machines. - The following scenarios have been modified to improve play-balance: SOLO_02 SOLO_04 SOLO_06 MULTI_02 MULTI_03 MULTI_12 MULTI_13 Changes from version 1.11 to 1.12 --------------------------------- - Fixed an evil goof preceeding the final mission of the main single campaign. - Fixed an "No Turn Limit" option bug where you couldn't withdraw your team in a situation specific to one mission in the main single player campaign. - Fixed a bug where mercs were not always remembering to perform an action (e.g. pickup item) when using the "cont" (continue) option via face panel after being interrupted. - Fixed a bug where program was not always recognizing when the last opponent died. Changes from version 1.12 to 1.13z ----------------------------------- - Version is named 1.13z to distinguish between Jagged Alliance v1.13 . - Fixed a Micky selling/purchasing pricing bug. - Fixed an minor bug with the F9 feature. - Fixed a "suicide" bug. - Lowered the "turn sound" and added a startup parameter QUIETTURNSND that really lowers it (ok, Blade?) e.g.: DG QUIETTURNSND - Fixed a bug whereby depositing a bomb when you had more than one in hand deleted the remaining ones. - Fixed another "withdrawl" bug where program didn't properly recognize that all opponents were dead. - Fixed a bug where the "unlimited campaign" option didn't work past 33 missions. - Fixed a bug where the program was overriding the Fog of War campaign setting. - We've now reminded Gus to let you know the designated merc or team objective when he promises to (multiplayer situation). Extra Scenarios & Campaigns ---------------------------- Visit the Sir-tech website (www.sir-tech.com) for links to some great sites that have many scenarios & campaigns available for download. Speeding Up Slow CD Speech Access ---------------------------------- If you wish to speed up the CD access time for speech during missions and you have an extra 185 MB of free space, you can copy over the \DAY directory off the Deadly Games CD to the DAY directory under where DG was installed (e.g. c:\deadly\day). The directory DAY was created as you installed this patch. Likewise, you can do this for the AIM, PST, GUS, & MIC directories also if you have the space... The DAY directory contains all in-mission speech; the AIM directory contains AIM screen speech; PST contains post-mission speech; GUS & MIC are for Gus and Micky respectively. Kali Support ------------ No changes have been made that will enhance KALI support in this upgrade; because of the demand for a turn limit toggle, we felt you'd appreciate this ability now. Sirtech is currently investigating the possiblity of modifications to enhance KALI play. Sharing Hints for Missions in the Main Single Player Campagain: ---------------------------------------------------------------- One thing that we noticed with JA was that players were sharing hints on-line regarding locations of various quest related events. Because that game was designed to react differently depending on how a player progressed, hints weren't necessarily accurate (e.g. Brenda wasn't held in the same sector for each player). Keep in mind that the single player campaign *can* branch, so referring to missions by number may not be of much help. Using the mission descriptions will be more effective. Mission Success For Allies --------------------------- When you ally, mission success for one team does not necessarily qualify the other for credit; it depends on the mission type. The following mission types will automatically credit an allied team with a successful mission if that team has the same mission: EXTERMINATE ALL EXTERMINATE TEAM KILL MERC KILL NPC DESTROY BRIDGE DESTROY ANY BRIDGE DESTROY ANY TARGET DESTROY ALL TARGETS PRESERVE AREA DELIVER ITEM STOP OPPONENT Otherwise both teams have to accomplish the goal, e.g. if both have missions to photograph somone/something, then both have to have the camera in their possession at mission end. Some missions will be impossible, such as a mission to retrieve the same item, for both teams to get credit. In these cases, you may still ally for combat reasons, but when it comes down to mission end, only one team can get the reward. Enjoy!