README FILE This demo is a pre-alpha version of the GREAT BATTLES OF ALEXANDER game. It allows you to command Alexander the Great's troops against the Indian army at the Battle of Hydaspes, fought in 326 B. C. After loading is completed, the "Quick Start" is displayed. This is a short explanation of how the game is played, and is recommended for new players.. When finished with this, go to "File" and click "Exit" (do not hit the "Exit" button, as this will exit the game). Hit the "Start Battle" button on the opening screen. From the map showing the ten battles in the final game, select "Hydaspes" (this is the default) and click "OK" to enter the battle. If desired, before entering the battle, click "Details" to learn more about the historical battle or click "Units" to learn more about the forces at the battle, the tactics of the period and hints on play. In the Leader Control Box, the default allows the player to control the Macedonians while the computer controls the Indians. This can be reset to allow players to control both sides, but the computer cannot command the Macedonians. In the Elite Initiative Box, select one of the Macedonian leaders, then click "OK". That commander and his units move first during the opening turn. Getting Started: * When the battlefield appears, the commander and troops with the flying flags are the ones that can be moved. During a turn, commanders are chosen randomly to determine the order in which units can be moved. The highlighted area shows the commander's command span - no orders can be given to units beyond this area, even if their flags are flying. * Resting the cursor on a unit or commander causes information about it to appear in the lower left box. A commander's initiative number is the maximum number of units that can be moved (including the commander himself - that many additional units can be moved if a commander gets "momentum"). * To move a unit or commander, left click the unit. The highlighted area shows possible moves; within that area, select where the unit is to move, then, when the green outline appears, click there. Flags turn gray and are lowered on units that have already moved. GREAT BATTLES OF ALEXANDER will be released in early 1997. Look for updates at the Interactive Magic website (