WARCRAFT II .PUD DESCRIPTION FILE ===================================================================== Title : Seas and Trees Filename : sea_tree.pud Author : Allen nichols Email Address : grashopr@ih2000.net Misc. Author Info :Kali handle ToxicZombie Description : Everyone starts on an island. everything you need to win the battle is on your little Island This is a multi-player game.....BUT it can be won by just one player....this depends on his/her playing skill. You can play 1-7 players I have found that 3 with 4 AI's in FFA to be the best. because 2 of the 7 AI's are stupid, 2 are land attack (very hard to kill off if you let them get built up), 2 sea attack. One problem I have found, is that You WILL reach the Max number of units in the game quickly. SO PLAN AHEAD!!!! Hints : Set game resources to High. when you start don't worry about defense TOO much....just chop down the tress. If you set the resources to high, by them time you get to your gold mine the people you start with will be lvl 3 to 4 One more thing don't be afraid to throw away troops if your play with AI's. Additional Credits to : ===================================================================== * Play Information * Game : Warcraft II Players : 1-7 Race : 4 human 3orcs Resources : 128X128 Units : 1 Destroyer, 1 Foot/grunt, 1 knight/ogre, 2 peasant/peon Known Bugs : the give you the massage could not create unit. all this is, is that the game want let you build away more units till you do a little killing. I don't know yet if the new patch fixes this are not. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use this level as a base to build their own levels. You MAY distribute this PUD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc.) as long as you include this file intact. This file was obtained at PUDLAND! Check us out and send us your puds for World Wide distribution!! http://www.isisnet.com/fusion/pudland