------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command & Conquer structure editor V1.02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This program edits the C&C data structures. I tried to make it compatible with ALL versions of C&C, even future versions. It has been tested with version 1.07, 1.08a, 1.18P and 1.19P. At startup it scans thru the code of C&C searching for certain things marking the table starts. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Installation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To install this editor just copy it to your C&C directory and run CCEDT.EXE. It is encouraged to make a backup of GAME.DAT before starting it. (I think you might want to play the game fair sometimes, and it will cause sync errors if you play a two player game with two different GAME.DATs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Usage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The user interface is easy, use the up and down arrows to scroll thru a list, and press the right and left arrows to switch between lists (TAB and SHIFT-TAB will work also). Aircraft,units,infantry and buildings can de edited. F2 will save the changes. Press F1 in the program for online help. A lot of things (like the weapons) contain separate help. *NEVER* change the name offsets, that will crash the editor and possibly the game at next reload. New in this version is the external data file, it stores all the values you can edit in the program. It is handy when you want to play a multiplayer game, because you don't have to copy the whole GAME.DAT to every computer when you have changed something. (You can also patch a GAME.DAT file of another C&C verion as the one you saved the file with) The file is stored under the name "EDTDATA.C&C" in the C&C directory and will compress very well with ZIP/ARJ. Press F5 to store it, and F6 to load it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unknown entrys ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It is clear that the most of the entrys are still unknown. If you know some, I'm very interested (You WILL get credit in this program). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Revision history ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This program started as a simple tool to look at the GAME.DAT file, but after some changes it became a C&C data structure editor. V0.98 - Never released to public V0.98b - Never released to public Added GAME.DAT auto-identify V0.99 - Never released to public (Beta) Added aircraft/infantry structures V1.00 - Added some entrys that were unknown V1.01 - Added help function V1.02 - Structure reload 'out of memory bug' fixed Program loads faster Unknown entrys are colored different, so looking for entrys is easier It is not needed anymore to press enter loading another table. (Faster) Error checking improved (Will not crash anymore when out of memory) Added external data file Help display function improved ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Future Improvements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Variable names for external data files (Just EDTDATA.C&C is not enough) - Function to restore standard values (F4 is reserved for that) - Function to only display known values Send suggestions, flames and bug-reports to Wladimir van der Laan, Vdlaan.Wj@net.HCC.nl SealSoft Incorporation Send NO requests for source code.