-- Civ2 Patch version 1.06 -- * OOPS! Patch 1.04 broke the AI. This fixes it. Sorry! -- Civ2 Patch version 1.05 -- * The "Winning" animation is no longer displayed when another civilization wins the space race (!) * Double clicking on unexplored territory no longer brings up the Civilopedia. * User created units will no longer play the wrong sound in addition to the CUSTOMx.WAV sound. * When giving a unit to another civilization causes a technology leap, the technology given is no longer stuck on "Alphabet". * Cruiser now (properly) becomes obsolete w/ Rocketry. -- Civ2 Patch version 1.04 -- * Corrected GPF which occurred for users who didn't have sound cards connected to their machines. * Problem where users received a black box or black screen when going to the Civilopedia (or when a new advance discovered) has been corrected. * Month-by-month turns now work correctly for scenarios set in B.C. (This is important for the Alexander the Great scenario). * Wonders of the World movies are now shown only when -you- build wonders (not when opponents build them). The Wonder Movie cheat has been improved, however, so you can view any wonder movie you want: hold down shift key while selecting "Wonders of the World" from the Civilopedia menu. * "Accelerated Startup" algorithm has enhanced to correct some problems (2 cities in same square on some preset maps!) and improve some features. * Effects of Food Supplies trade routes are now displayed properly on the city information screen (formerly they worked properly but were not being displayed). * Some problems with user-defined techs (where it was not recognizing that user-defined techs had been discovered) have been corrected. * Language preference is now saved in the CIV.INI file; after you run once with this patch, you will no longer be asked every game which language you want. * "Endless drumbeat" problem has been corrected. * The Colossus now affects sea squares as well as land squares. * The "Auto" feature can no longer be used to circumvent the 50% penalty for production changes (sorry). * You will no longer be prompted to consult your high council if you have the feature switched off on the graphic options menu. * Advisors will no longer suggest you build a palace when you already have one. * Tutorial will automatically be switched off when beginning a scenario. * RULES.TXT now mentions that custom wav files have to be 8-bit, mono, and sampled at 22050hz. * Some problems with "negative scores" have been corrected. * Miscellaneous minor fixes.