================================================================ Title : CAMP HELL Filename : CAMPHELL.WAD (just type CAMPHELL) Author : Berny Hiscock Contact Address : The Pit Stop BBS (705) 848-6117 Misc. Author Info : This was designed to work with multi-player and single player, and it works really well. If the .BAT file doesn't work for you, just type DOOM -FILE CAMPHELL.WAD. I included a bit more than just a level, I included, a different punch, pistol, shotgun, plasma, BFG, and enemy sounds, different title screen, god face, credits, and ending screen graphics. This is starting in Ontario, Canada and I think it'll be pretty neat to see where it ends up. Some of the other editors and levels I made are: Sniper's Surprise (level)- DMSNIPER.ZIP DooM Party (level)- DMPARTY.ZIP Knights Of The Round Table (level)- DMKNIGHT.ZIP DooM Shopping Center (Sprite replacer)- DMSHOP*.ZIP * = a number, version (So far best is 4) Enjoy!!! The Story : You arive at the front door of your buddy's summer camp. It's been a while since you've been able to just put your feet up and relax, so Derryk being the nice friend that he is, lets you stay out there for a bit, AS long as you didn't fool around with the new experimental vaccination substance in his room! Well, you peak your head in the front door and decide you won't get a chance to anyway, someone already did. It seems four kids found their way into Derryk's camp and let loose a horde of mutating viruses. Not so good! Now all of the neighbouring campers have been deformed into beasts and demons, and as the nice friend YOU are, you decide to dispose of these monsters before they ruin not only Derryk's camp, but also your vacation! Additional Credits to : Creators of Doom Creator(s) of DEU and DeeP Bobb & Derryk for play testing(or was it just PLAYING) My Family Derryk for idea and layout ================================================================ * Play Info * Level # : Map 01 Single Player : Sure, why not! Co-op 2-4 Player : Ya, but you'll get a craving to frag 'em! Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes (Awesome Deathmatch-A-Bility) Difficulty Settings : Yes (Easy is Actually EASY! Hard is Actually HARD! Also different weapons and monsters for multi-player difficulties) New Sounds : Yes (Making it more realistic) New Graphics : Yes (All edited) New Music : No Demos Replaced : All (Very usefull and entertaining to watch): #1 = single player #2 = co-op #3 = DEATHMATCH!!! * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editors used : DEU 5.2, DeeP, DMaud, DMgraph, CVIEW, RMB, Window's Wave Studio, Window's Paint Brush. Known Bugs : NONE!!!!! Verison : 1.07 * Copyright / Permissions * This files MUST be included: CAMPHELL.WAD CAMPHELL.TXT CAMPHELL.BAT FILE_ID.DIZ Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites: ------------- BBS numbers: The Pit Stop (705) 848-6117 Other: ------------- Please, Spread This File Out Far And Wide!!!!