MARINE DOOM For use with MARINE1.WAD WARNING ORDER (FRAG ORD??) A. SITUATION: 1. ENEMY: Enemy has occupied small villa to the North of our current position and is preparing to assault our defensive position. Estimate 10-15 enemy equipped with soviet small arms (shotguns and small caliber automatic and semi-automatic weapons). 2. Friendly: Our Company is positioned at the extreme eastern flank of a the of a Batallion in the defense. We are the point at the extreme eastern flank. To our west is another fireteam but they will be of no support, they have problems of their own. To our east are the bad guys. B. MISSION: 1. You are a fireteam member with Bravo Company, 1st Bn, 6th Marines. Your fireteam is in the defense. However, upon defending from an ememy assault on your defense, you are to lead your fireteam in a counter-assault which will ultimately result in routing the enemy from their Command Post in a nearby villa. The enemy has occupied a friendly city to our North. As the Patrol sweeps the area, your fireteam is expected to encounter enemy in a small villa on the outskirts of the Northern city. No civilians are expected alive in the area. C. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Your fireteam is the extreme right flank of the entire Battalion. Protect the right flank at all costs. D. SPECIFIC INSTRUCTION: 1. Intelligence reports expect us to encounter improved fighting positions and built up urban terrrain. Use the enemy's fighting positions to defend against forward deployed ambush patrols/roving patrols. 2. After defending against attack, move fireteam to Villa to North and clear of enemy presence.