================================================================ Title : EvilDog.wad and Evildog2.wad (Also a remake of e1m1 from Heretic to Map 21) Author : Albert Dewey Email Address : SetiViper @ AOL.com Snail mail address : Rt. 4 Box 507 Luray, Va. 22835 Description : These are 2 cool DOOM ][ levels that have really neat gates in them. Check it out! Another AL original. Misc Game Info : (For Map 07) You have to defeat the 4 mancubuses to open the door to the central building in the large open area. There is also a arch vile ready to undo all of your hard work lurkingin the exitway. (For Map 01) Don't even try to kill the 24 Cyberdemons. They will be snuffed out after you pass them by. I have installed several switches that when pressed will give instantly a computer map, invulnerability, and a mega sphere all while vanquishing those pesky Cyberdemons. Don't ask how I did it, it's MAGIC! (For Map 21) I hope you enjoy this remake of the shareware e1m1 of Heretic. Additional Credits to : Ben Morris for DCK and PC Gamer for taking the time to consider this level for publication. ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : Map 01, Map 07 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : not supported Deathmatch 2-4 Player : not supported Difficulty Settings : Sorry its all ultraviolent! New Sounds : no New Graphics : no * Construction * Base : Scratch Build Time : 130 hours (Hey, perfection takes time) Did You Know? : HEXEN is totally cool - Buy it now! Editor(s) used : DCK (ver. 2.2) Known Bugs : None * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels. Feel free to distribute, edit, modify, just keep all the related files intact so that those who deserve credit, receive it. * Where to get this WAD * PC Gamer and anywhere else it might wind up ... maybe even on a Pentagon network or something like that.