Oelander's HammerKrowlehistoryghostsèÒ) Œºü m¹ùýOelander's Hammer:ýýAn Instructive TaleýFor Childrenù The two children, Froedwig and his younger sister Silvanda,had been exploring all morning. The noon sun was directlyoverhead and everything was warm and bright. The had left their Redguard village,Granitsta, early that morning for a day in the wildnerness, apicnic, and with a stern warning from their father to be homeöbefore dark. They crossed a huge field that was bare save asingle rose bush right in the middle. The little girl asked Froedwig about it. "Well," he said, "according to father a great battle wasfought in this place many years ago. The battle was visited bythe God of all warriors, Reymon Ebonarm, who caused theleaders to end the battle and return to their homes. It is saidthat the rose bush grows where he stood that day." "Oh, how exciting," giggled Silvanda. The children continued their trek approaching some woods. Asthey entered the forest the air became very cool and a deepquiet seemed to envelope them. "What is that?" Silvanda pointed to a large hole in the ground from whichprotruded a long, thick pole. Around the hole thorny plantshad grown into an impenetrable wall. "I don't know," said Froedwig, "but let's see if we can get acloser look." "Stop!" They did. Looking beyond the hole, the children saw an elderly Redguardof many years. His gray beard, scraggly hair and stoopedshoulders certainly did not support the authoritarianöcommand he gave. But the children stopped just the same as heapproached. "Who are you?" stammered Froedwig as Silvanda carefullytucked herself behind her brother's back. "My name is Hoennig Groevinger, and I live in these woods." "Why can't we examine yon hole, Master Groevinger?" askedFroedwig. "Because, my dear children, it and what it holds are cursed.Now just wh-h-h-o are you?" he stuttered, mimicing Froedwig. Finally gaining his composure, Froedwig said, "I amFroedwig-aj- Murr of the village Granitsta. This is my sisterSilvanda. We are on an outing. Can you tell us about thismysterious hole?" "Well," said the old man as he slowly settled to the ground,"Why don't you sit here with me for a while and I will tell youabout Oelander's Hammer. That's the handle of the fabledweapon sticking out from yonder chasm." With this the children also settled into sitting positions infront of the old Redguard ranger. Groevinger began, "Many year's ago there was a huge battlefought in this very field ..." "Oh, yes, I know," said Silvanda, interrupting the old man.ö"It was ended by the Warrior God Reymon Ebonarm, and the magic rose bushgrows where he stood that day..." she continued breathlessly. The old man sternly cleared his throat causing the littlegirl to again shrink behind her brother. "Now, if I may continue without interruption... On the daythat battle ended, a young Redguard soldier stopped in thisspot as he was leaving to go to his home. He carried theequipment he had used on the field which included amarvelously fashioned war hammer that had been given to him byhis father. The weapon was beautifully made and unknown to theyoung warrior carried an enchantment that had protected himthrough the vicious battle just ended." "The young man, Oelander by name, rested by this very tree.Suddenly he was confronted by a wizard dressed all in blackfrom head to toe. Without so much as a how-do-you-do, the wizarddemanded that Oelander give him his hammer. Still flushed from thebattle, the young man just looked at the dark man and laughed. Thewizard shaking with rage raised his hands to cast a horriblespell against the soldier. However, the young man was quicker.öThe huge war hammer whistled through the air smiting the wizard a mortal blow just as thespell left his fingers. There was a loud explosion." The children stared at the old man. He surpressed a grin andcontinued. "Clouds of dusk and smoke covered the forest clearing, and when the airsettled, yon hole was there with the hammer's handle protruding from it. Oelander andthe wizard had vanished! The thorny vines you see grew upimmediately around the hole, and to this day no one has beenable to approach it close enough to remove that marvelousweapon. Many have tried and all have failed. It is said thatonly someone of tremendous merit can take it." All of a sudden, both children in unison stood and shouted,"Oh, look how the day has gone. We must go. If we are lategetting home, our father will be most unhappy with us." As they turned to leave, Froedwig said to the old man, "Thankyou, Master Groevinger, for telling us of Oelander's Hammer. You know, Imay just come back one day and try to retrieve it!" As they disappeared from his view, the old man said to himself, "Ah, yes, Master Froedrigaj-Murr, you just might do that." ö