0****************************************************** Vassel Y-14 Electrostatic Repulsion Grid Defense Grade : Navigation Yield : 1.4 Mega Joules Overload Yield : 2 MJ The Vassel Y-14 is the standard navigational protection grid used on most cargo vessels. Although capable of deflecting limited strength direct fire weapons, its main responsibility is to deflect meteors. The Fail Safe Shielding Co. is on the Coliekies' home world. 1****************************************************** Northern Lights Particle Field Generator Defense Grade : Navigation / Commercial Yield : 2.2 Mega Joules Overload Yield : 4 MJ Known throughout the trading lanes for its multi- hewed radiance, the shield generator is the brain child of Sigmund Sung, founder of the Mugwump Propulsion Labs. Modifying the Zepher 5 drive generator created a strong defense grid. 2****************************************************** Billboard A2A1 Inertial Dampening Reflectors Defense Grade : Commercial Yield : 3.4 Mega Joules Overload Yield : 5 MJ The Krec Nyh Royal Advertising Council were requested to design a generator to cast ads onto the hulls of their ships. The dampening field, used to capture lasers' images, also turned out to be a military grade defense field. 3****************************************************** S'slar Foo Ztchi 8 Active EM Matrix Field Defense Grade : Commercial / Military Yield : 6 Mega Joules Overload Yield : 12 MJ The Tesairians Space Firm S'slar created a generator which rapidly shifted the polarity of ships magnetic defense grid from positive to negative. By changing the field every 9 nano- seconds, the field beats most counter measures 4****************************************************** Dragons Breath Gravitational Projector Defense Grade : Military Yield : 8 Mega Joules Overload Yield : 14 MJ The Secaries' Gilded Light Consortium choose to deflect the incoming danger rather than over- power it. The Dragons Breath generators excite space around the vessel and change its gravity, thus causing light to bend away from its target. 5****************************************************** Titan 5 Multi Phased Defence Array Defense Grade : Military Yield : 11 Mega Joules Overload Yield : 22 MJ The Coliekes Defense Co. decided that instead of one ' all or nothing ' defensive field, they could link several smaller defensive arrays together, countering the threat with on of 5 systems.Each system can act alone or in concert.