FORTE Technologies, Inc. Heretic / Hexen VFX1 HEADGEAR driver NOTE: You must have Heretic 1.2 (or later) or Hexen 1.0 (or later) to use this driver. To use the driver, just copy these files into your HERETIC or HEXEN directory (DEFAULT: C:\HERETIC OR C:\HEXEN). To use the VFX1 HEADGEAR, just run VFX1TIC instead of HERETIC.EXE or HEXEN.EXE. If you specify a file (Example: VFX1TIC C:\MYHEXEN.INI) then the file will be used for the driver settings. When you are in the game, you will be able to use the HEADGEAR and CyberPuck. To change the functionality of the HEADGEAR and CyberPuck in the game, use a text editor (such as DOS EDIT) to view the file. There are several comments included in the INI file that will guide you through the configuration for the game. USING THIS DRIVER WITH HEXEN: This driver has been configured to work with HERETIC. To enable the driver to run with HEXEN, you _must_ edit the VFX1TIC.INI file and change the application name from HERETIC.EXE to HEXEN.EXE. If you are running Hexen off of the CD-Rom, you should copy all the driver files into your C:\HEXNDATA directory and use the included batch file CDHEXEN.BAT to run the game. If you have any questions, please contact FORTE Technical Support at: Voice: 716-427-8604 Fax: 716-427-7383 BBS: 716-427-2543 AOL: FORTE TS CompuServe: 75162,2774 Internet: WWW: