MechWarrior 2 DOS Version 1.1 (11-09-95) MechWarrior 2 DOS version 1.1 is available in the most recent production run of MechWarrior 2 for DOS. This patch will update the files of those who have purchased the 1.0 version to include most of the 1.1 fixes and additional features. This patch is NOT to be used on any other version of MechWarrior, including the Windows 95 version or any foreign language version of MechWarrior 2. USING THE PATCH --------------- Once you have downloaded and decompressed MECH2V11.EXE (just type MECH2V11 and press Enter in the directory where the MECH2V11.EXE file resides), four files should appear. They are PATCH.BAT, PATCH11.EXE, README2.TXT, WHATSNEW.TXT. To patch your version of MechWarrior 2 DOS with the 1.1 patch, simply type the following command: PATCH [Drive and path where MechWarrior 2 DOS was installed] For instance, if MechWarrior 2 DOS is installed on the C: drive in the GAMES\MECH2 directory, you would enter the following: PATCH C:\GAMES\MECH2 In Windows 95, you can more easily run the patch by bringing up DOS by choosing your Start menu, then Programs, then clicking on "MS-DOS prompt". Then follow the same procedures as outlined above. Close the DOS window or type EXIT to return to Windows 95. BUG FIXES --------- MechWarrior 2 DOS version 1.1 fixes some problems which were reported in the initial version of MechWarrior 2 DOS (version 1.0), and also adds support for some new input devices as follows: 1. Problems Fixed * Occasional crashes under Windows 95. * Right arm would get blown off more often than left. * Tried to load instructor's voice from CD even if sound was turned off (caused some systems to pause for a while). * Would hang on exit for some systems. * Minor improvements for Cockpit Controls, including warnings for multiple functions attached to a single control. * Arrow keys on numeric keypad (not the cursor keys) can be used to navigate around the clan halls. * The boot disk maker has improved. 2. New Input Devices * Spacetec Spaceball Avenger * Forte VFX-1 Headgear * CH Virtual Pilot PRO 3. Improved Joystick Drivers VERSION 1.1 FILES ----------------- The following files are included in the version 1.1 patch. The first two files (MW2.EXE and MW2SHELL.EXE) are copied into the MechWarrior 2 root directory, FIXBOOT.EXE is copied into the SETUP subdirectory of the MechWarrior 2 directory, and the remaining are copied into the GIDDI subdirectory of the MechWarrior 2 root directory: FILE REVISION DATE ---- ------------- MW2.EXE 10-12-95 MW2SHELL.EXE 10-09-95 FIXBOOT.EXE 10-25-95 AVENGER.CPC 10-31-95 SIDEWNDR.CPC 08-04-95 VFX1.CPC 08-31-95 VPILOT.CPC 08-28-95 AVENGER.DLL 08-28-95 FLTSTCK.DLL 09-26-95 JOYSTICK.DLL 09-26-95 KEYBOARD.DLL 09-26-95 MOUSE.DLL 09-26-95 MSJSTICK.DLL 09-26-95 SIDEWNDR.DLL 08-04-95 TMASTER.DLL 09-26-95 VFX1.DLL 08-31-95 VIO1.DLL 09-26-95 VIO2.DLL 09-26-95 VPILOT.DLL 09-26-95 SIDEWNDR.STD 08-04-95 AVENGER.TXT 08-28-95 VPILOT.TXT 08-28-95 Some updated files that are available in the retail version of 1.1 are not updated in the patch. These files include the following: INSTALL.EXE - The installer was updated to improve the boot disk maker and fix some minor problems in the installation process. Since this file must run from the CD, it is not included in the patch. MW2SETUP.EXE - This file was modified to improve the boot disk maker. Since the revisions were minor and in the interest of reducing download time, this rather large file was not included in the patch. THE PATCHING PROCESS -------------------- During the patching process, the following things take place: - The patcher verifies that MechWarrior 2 exists in the drive and path entered on the command line. - The patcher verifies that the compressed patch files (PATCH11.EXE) exist in the same directory as PATCH.BAT (the patcher). - The patcher verifies that you would like it to patch the version of MechWarrior 2 in the specified path. - The MW2.EXE and MW2SHELL.EXE files are deleted from the MechWarrior 2 subdirectory. All corresponding files in the GIDDI subdirectory are deleted. - PATCH11.EXE is copied to the MechWarrior 2 path and decompressed, which simultaneously places all patch files into the appropriate directories. Upon completion of the patching process, PATCH11.EXE will automatically be deleted. After PATCH has completed executing, you can delete the README2.TXT, WHATSNEW.TXT, and PATCH.BAT files. You might prefer to store MECH2V11.EXE on a floppy disk in case you need to patch a later installation of MechWarrior 2 version 1.0. TECHNICAL HELP -------------- For the latest in technical issues and revision information, please download and review the latest version of MW2INFO.TXT, available on most BBS's and Online services. Thank you for purchasing MechWarrior 2. Look for the MechWarrior 2 Expansion Pack Ghost Bear's Legacy, MechWarrior 2 for Windows 95, and NetMech coming this Winter, 1995. [Revision 1.1 Patch - JLAFLEUR - 11-09-95]