Welcome to the README FILE OF THE ULTIMATE BLOOD PATCH ][ FOR DOOM 2 Well I have done it again! Total mayham shall continue! What you see before you is an addon like none-other. With over 20 full features, this will be the ride of your life! Prepare for the magic and awe-inspiring power of the BlooD DemoN! INSTRUCTIONS: WELL BASICALLY ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS THIS: First extract all files from DMN2_15.ZIP into the DOOM 2 directory, then all you have to do is run master.bat. Pretty simple huh? *NOTE* I recommend that you have a good computer for this, 486dx-66 will do fine, anything slower is not recommended. Pentiums are even better. Update: V1.5ap: This here is the new Pro-edition, re-done just for PC-GAMER! This version is named v1.5ap (The p stands for pro...if you didn't already figure that out). Well I have personally taken out all the old sounds from v1.5a, because of copyright problems, and I have replaced them with new sounds, made mostly by me, and a few that I got off the internet. I also redid the slop effect, because people were complaining of it repeating too much. And I fixed it so when you blow up the demon, he bleeds continously. But only when you blow him up. Now below is the update of v1.5a. V1.5a: I have re-done alot of the features included in Doom's U.B.P. (ULTIMATE BLOOD PATCH) v2.0a, to be included with the 1.5a update of this patch. Those features and effects include the new disappearing blood effect. The new sounds, all 18 of them from Evil Dead 2, Aliens, etc. included new walls . I also put in all new skies, and a new status bar. I also made the pointer of the menu an actual pumping heart! I have re-done the title screen for a bloody look, I also re-did the doom logo, adding more blood to that. I have added new text stories for each of the section endings in the game. I also have edited the file DEHACKED.INI to work with your doom2 instantly! Now you can play my patch faster than ever! You don't have to do any work, just extact files. I changed the master.bat to make a copy of the EXE so that all work is done seamlessly. Now its 100% error-free, being that it uses only temporary files, never touching your real doom 2 files! I also changed the cheat codes, since I don't like people cheating. The new ones are below. I'm also including the new DEUSF, which is v3.8. I've also changed the plasma gun to a Blood gun, which shoots real blood clusters! And I've added all new music for all 32 levels, inter-screen, text screen, and intro screen! I've also added all new demos that actually work with this patch! So sit back and enjoy! SOMETHING YOU CAN DO: This section was written just for you. Whenever you play this patch...here's something you can do to heighten the mood so to speak. First turn out all lights in your room. Try and do this at night time too. Now turn off any Gamma lightning levels you have on. Turn the SFX and the MUSIC volume to full Don't use cheat codes, unless you absoulutly suck. If its too dark, use the light-amp cheat, that's what its there for. And last, make sure it is a time when you will be not bothered. Now its just you, and the game. In total darkness, and immersion. I want Adrenaline running through your body, while the music, and screams of death fill you ears. NEW CHEAT CODES: GOD-MODE BLOOD AMMO AND KEYS KFA AMMO AMMO LIGHT-AMP LIGHTS MAP CHEAT FULL CHAINSAW GUTRIP MUSIC MUSIC LEVEL WARP LEVCHA If you want any other cheat codes, go find 'em, cause I ain't giving them to you. HERE ARE ALL THE FEATURES: -Color changes from all the objects or beings with green parts are now changed to red. Such as the eye in symbol is now red, the green armor was changed to red, the spiritual armor's eyes are now red, an ammo box now has a tint of red to it, barrels filled with toxic now seem to be filled with a thick bloody substance, a plasma charge's green lights are now red, invulnerbility sphere is now red. As of enemies, the troopers now have red hair, the sargent's eyes are red, the Chaingun Commando now has red clothes, Caco's green eye was changed to red, the Baron of Hell and the Hell Knight now throw red fireballs, Mancubus now has red eyes, and many more color changes. -Now when you blow up an enemy, their death scene is just total GORE! TRY IT! -All the weapons were speeded up, especially the chaingun and plasma gun,and the rocket launcher. -The barrels now explode 3 times taking up to 100% of health off if your armor is 0. -ALL NEW TEXT! Nearly all text is replaced, including all new startup text! all new names for the enemies, and new names for the weapons too! -NEW TEXT ENDINGS FOR EACH SECTION! Now a totally new ending for each section will unfold as you play! -TOTAL SHOOTABLE OBJECTS FEATURE! Many things are made shootable and are strong enough to withstand a rocket, and in some cases turn into piles of guts! -BLEEDING WALLS! That's right they actually bleed after being shot and then turn into piles of slop on the floor. The enemies' blood also turn into slop and hit the floor! -NEW GRAPHICS!! NEW death Sequences for the Trooper, Sargeant, Imp, Demon, Baron of Hell, and Chaingunner! -NEW! EXPLOSION DEATHS! For Lost Soul! -DEHACKED v3.0a is also included! (Partial) -NEW! ALL NEW SOUNDS! 15 new sounds made mostly by me, and from the internet! -NEW! NEW TITLE SCREEN! We now have our own title screen, and logo! Even the menu's pointer is an actual pumping heart! -NEW! ALL NEW WALLS! 7 totally new walls. (will be more as updates continue) -NEW! New status Bar! -NEW! ALL NEW SKIES! -NEW! ALL NEW CHEAT CODES! -NEW! This effect should have been included a long time ago, the blood actually disappears after 3000 frame shots. (Equivlent to about a minute) -NEW! The plasma gun is now a Blood gun that shoots real blood clusters! -NEW! All new Music for ALL 32 levels, intro-screen, inter-screen, and text screen! -NEW! ALL NEW DEMOS! All three demos replaced to work with patch. -NEW! Spurting blood for the demon! When you blow up a demon, his blood will just spurt out of his body continously! Great effect! TRY IT! At this time I would like to thank the following people: 1.ID SOFTWARE for their wonderful doom series! 2.GREG LEWIS for the program known as DehackeD! 3.BILL NEISIUS for the program known as DMGRAPH! 4.I would like to thank Mortis of the NY DWANGO SERVER for the DEUSF addition! 5.OLIVIER MONTANUEY for DEUTEX and DEUSF, and WINTEX! 6.AND my STAFF, for all the help they've given me in creating the blood patches! 7. And to all who made all those damn MIDI files! 8. To whoever made the new status bar, whose name and company I cannot recall I Thank you for your great work. 9. PC GAMER (Mike Wolf) for helping me with copyright problems, and including this special version on the 1996 march issue's cd! WHAT THIS PATCH USES: This patch uses DEUSF to re-make the graphics PWAD, it is included with the zip. This patch also uses Dehacked to load the patch, it is included with the zip. DmGraph was used in creation of the graphics pwad, along with WINTEX, it is not included with the zip. This patch uses Dehacked patches for the changed data,it is partially included with the zip. FILES INCLUDED WITH THIS ZIP: DEUSF.EXE USED FOR THE GRAPHICS PWAD MASTER.BAT USED TO LOAD THE WHOLE PATCH AND PWAD BLOOD2.DEH DEHACKED FILE README.TXT WHAT YOU'RE READING NOW REVISION.TXT THE REVISION OF THE ULTIMATE BLOOD PATCH FILE_ID.DIZ A DESCRIPTION OF THE PATCH FOR BBS'S BLOOD2.WAD GRAPHICS PWAD DEHACKED.INI v3.0a DEHACKED INI FILE DEHACKED.EXE v3.0a DEHACKED FILE If any of these files are missing then you don't have a complete version! To get the latest version, call the place back and get the file dmn2_15a.zip, if this is it, and files are missing, then you have an unoffical version, that means you've been had, this is a violation of my regulations, and I will certainly not stand for it! *REGULATIONS* Also this patch is totally independent and may not be changed or transferred without the rest of this zip. Authors may not use this as a base to build additional patches and or addons. The graphics may not be changed in any way and may only be distributed with this zip. This patch is totally freeware, and may NOT be sold for any price whatsoever! Places to find this: *NOTE* This is a special version, meaning it has only been given to PC GAMER, The real 1.5a version is named DMN2_15A.ZIP, and can be found at these places: ON THE INTERNET: FTP://CDROM.COM/PUB/IDGAMES/COMBOS SOFTWARE CREATIONS BBS 508-368-7139 THE WALL BBS 214-286-8291 This special version will be included on the March 1996 issue of PC GAMER! OTHER PRODUCTS BY US: THE ULTIMATE BLOOD PATCH for DOOM THE ULTIMATE BLOOD PATCH U FOR DOOM ULTIMATE AND COMING SOON..... THE ULTIMATE BLOOD PATCH FOR HEXEN! THE ULTIMATE ROCKET PATCH for DOOM, DOOM 2, AND HEXEN THE ULTIMATE DEATH PATCH for DOOM, DOOM 2, AND HEXEN NOTE: If you would like to register these products, please send 15 U.S. dollars to the address below with your name and address, and which DOOM games you have. Wether you have DOOM, ULTIMATE DOOM, and DOOM 2, when you register, you'll get the latest versions of THE ULTIMATE BLOOD PATCH for both DOOM and DOOM 2, AND you'll get a fully featured copy of our new ULTIMATE ROCKET PATCH! And when the other products by us come out, such as THE ULTIMATE DEATH PATCH, and THE ULTIMATE BLOOD PATCH FOR DOOM ULTIMATE, you'll be sent a notice that they are finished. With you being a registered buyer of our products, we always want to make sure you get things first! PLEASE SEND ALL CHECKS, OR CASH TO: JAMES RIZZO 27 ROCKAWAY TURNPIKE LAWRENCE, NY, 11559 HERE IS MY E-MAIL ADDRESS:NATOS@CONCENTRIC.NET If you should have any problems, and/or questions, contact me at this address and I will help in any way I can. This DOOM 2 patch may be distributed by BBS, DISKETTE, OR CD. Have Fun! Done by James Rizzo and his staff. P.S. This patch was created by James Rizzo and his staff. I thank you for downloading the one and only ULTIMATE BLOOD PATCH ][. If you have any suggestions please leave me some e-mail, if considered you will be mentioned in readme.txt and revison.txt. Any feedback is well appreciated. Thanks for playing and keep Dooming!