:Base LEGENDS.HLP 1 FAST START Guide=Fast_Start_Guide@LEGENDS.HLP>main 1 Rules of Conduct (please read) 2 Rules of Conduct=Rules_of_Conduct 2 Conflict Between Player Characters=Conflict_Between_Player_Characters 2 Software Bugs and Oversights=Software_Bugs_and_Oversights 2 Magic Users Conduct=Magic 2 Thieves Conduct=Thievery 1 Legends of Kesmai Manual 2 Creating a Character 3 Creating a Character=Creating_a_Character 3 Alignment=Alignment 3 Name=Name 3 Sex=Sex 3 Nationality=Nationality 3 Occupation=Occupation 3 New Character Weapons and Skill Levels 4 New Character Weapons and Skill Levels=New_Character_Weapons_and_Skill_Levels 4 Fighter - New Character Weapons and Skill Levels=FIGHTER_New_Character_Weapons_and_Skill_Levels 4 Martial Artist - New Character Weapons and Skill Levels=Martial_Artist_New_Character_Weapons_and_Skill_Levels 4 Thaumaturge - New Character Weapons and Skill Levels=THAUMATURGE_New_Character_Weapons_and_Skill_Levels 4 Thief - New Character Weapons and Skill Levels=THIEF_New_Character_Weapons_and_Skill_Levels 4 Wizard - New Character Weapons and Skill Levels=WIZARD_New_Character_Weapons_and_Skill_Levels 3 Character Statistics 4 Character Statistics=Character_Statistics 4 Strength=Strength 4 Dexterity=Dexterity 4 Intelligence=Intelligence 4 Wisdom=Wisdom 4 Constitution=Constitution 4 Charisma=Charisma 4 Hit Points=Hit_Points 4 Stamina Points=Stamina_Points 4 Magic Points=Magic_Points 3 Entering Legends of Kesmai 4 Preparing to Enter Legends of Kesmai=Preparing_to_Enter_Kesmai 4 Entering Legends of Kesmai=Entering_Legends_of_Kesmai 2 Playing Legends of Kesmai 3 Using the Game Screen 4 Game Screen=Game_Screen 4 Game Icons=Game_Icons 4 Moving and Examining Game Icons=Moving_and_Examining_Game_Icons 4 Game Commands=Game_Commands 4 The Main Viewport 5 Main Viewport=Main_Viewport 5 Hexes=Hexes 5 Hex Contents Display=Hex_Contents_Display 5 Moving Around the Game=Moving_Around_the_Game 5 Message Text=Message_Text 5 Character Information Book=Character_Information_Book 5 Scroll Back Buffer Display=Scroll_Back_Buffer_Display 4 The Command Line 5 Command Line=Command_Line 5 Text Commands=Text_Commands 5 Conversation=Conversation 5 Body Language=Body_Language 4 Secondary Viewport 5 About the Secondary Viewport=Secondary_Viewport 5 Character Portrait=Character_Portrait 5 Ring Display=Ring_Display 5 Sack Contents Display=Sack_Contents_Display 5 Belt Contents Display=Belt_Contents_Display 5 Creature List=Creature_List 5 Spell Palette=Spell_Palette 5 Dialogue Display=Dialogue_Display 4 Other Key Game Screen Features 5 Action Indicator=Action_Indicator 5 Active Spell Rack=Active_Spell_Rack 5 Secondary Viewport Buttons=Secondary_Viewport_Buttons 5 Hand Contents Niches=Hand_Contents_Niches 5 Health Indicator=The_Health_Indicator 5 Offered Item Holder=Offered_Item_Holder 5 Ready-Spell Rack=Ready_Spell_Rack 5 Warmed Spell Rack=Warmed_Spell_Rack 5 Exiting the Game=Exiting_the_Game 4 Hot Keys 5 Hot Keys=Hot_Keys 3 Playing the Game 4 Doing Business in Legends of Kesmai 5 Doing Business in Legends of Kesmai=Doing_Business_in_Legends_of_Kesmai 5 Handling Money=Handling_Money@LEGENDS.HLP>main 5 Street Vendors=Street_Vendors 5 Shop Keepers=Shop_Keepers 5 Selling an Item to a Shop Keeper=Selling_an_Item_to_a_Shop_Keeper 5 Buying an Item from a Shop Keeper=Buying_an_Item_from_a_Shop_Keeper 5 Appraisals=Appraisals 5 Banking=Banking 5 Lockers=Lockers 5 The Pawn Shop=The_Pawn_Shop 5 The Tailor Shop=The_Tailor_Shop 5 The Apothecary=The_Apothecary@LEGENDS.HLP>main 4 Physical Combat in Legends of Kesmai 5 Physical Combat in Legends of Kesmai=Physical_Combat_in_Legends_of_Kesmai 5 Armor=Armor 5 Weapons - General Information=Weapons 5 Blocking=Blocking 5 Hitting=Hitting 5 Drawing and Belting Weapons=Drawing_and_Belting_Weapons 5 Fumbles=Fumbles 5 Physical Combat Commands 6 Physical Combat Commands=Physical_Combat_Commands 6 Fight=Fight 6 Kick=Kick 6 Jumpkick=Jumpkick 6 Nock/Shoot=Nock_Shoot 6 Poke=Poke 5 Combat with Thrown Items 6 Combat with Thrown Items=Combat_with_Thrown_Items 6 Throw=Throw 6 Potions=Potions 6 Other Thrown Items=Other_Thrown_Items 6 Looting=Looting 4 Magic Use 5 Magic Use=Magic_Use 5 Magic Points=Magic_Points 5 Using the Spell Book=Using_the_Spell_Book 5 Using the Spell Palette=Using_the_Spell_Palette 5 Warming a Spell=Warming_a_Spell 5 Fizzling (Canceling) a Spell=Fizzling_Canceling_a_Spell 5 Casting Spells=Casting_Spells_Wizards_Thaumaturges_and_Thieves 5 Using Magic Items=Using_Magic_Items 5 Rings=Rings 5 Wands and Staffs=Wands_and_Staffs 5 Amulets and Bracelets=Amulets_and_Bracelets 5 Using the Magic Portals=Using_the_Magic_Portals 4 Skill 5 Skill - An Explanation=Skill 5 Skill Categories 6 Skill Categories=Skill_Categories 6 Combat Skills=Combat_Skills 6 Magic Skill=Magic_Skill 6 Thieving Skill=Thieving_Skill 5 Skill Levels 6 About Skill Levels=Skill_Levels 6 Skill Loss and Recovery=Skill_Loss_and_Recovery 6 Weapons Skill Levels=Weapons_Skill_Levels 6 Hand to Hand Skill Levels (Martial Arts)=Hand_to_Hand_Skill_Levels_Martial_Arts 6 Thieving Skill Levels=Thieving_Skill_Levels 6 Thaumaturge Magic Skill Levels=Thaumaturge_Magic_Skill_Level 6 Thief Magic Skill Level=Thief_Magic_Skill_Level 6 Wizard Magic Skill Levels=Wizard_Magic_Skill_Levels 5 Skill Gain 6 Skill Gain=Skill_Gain 6 Skill Gain in Combat=Skill_Gain_in_Combat 6 Magic Skill Gain=Magic_Skill_Gain 6 Thieving Skill Gain=Thieving_Skill_Gain 5 Training 6 Training=Training 6 Asking for Training=Asking_for_Training 6 Weapons Training=Weapons_Training 6 Thief Training=Thief_Training 6 Magic Training=Magic_Training 6 Martial Arts Training=Martial_Arts_Training 6 Experience Training=Experience_Training 6 Ancestral Training=Ancestral_Training 6 Knight Training=Knight_Training 6 Getting Advanced Training=Getting_Advanced_Training 6 Skill Critique=Skill_Critique 4 Experience Levels 5 Experience Levels=Experience_Levels 5 Gaining Experience Points=Gaining_Experience_Points 5 Purchasing Education=Purchasing_Education 5 Experience Gain through Combat=Experience_Gain_through_Combat 5 Experience Gain and Magic=Experience_Gain_and_Magic 5 Experience by Training=Experience_by_Training 5 Ancestral Experience=Ancestral_Experience 5 Experience Points and Death=Experience_Points_and_Death 5 Experience Level Points/ Advancement=Experience_Level_Points_Advancement 4 Death in Legends of Kesmai 5 Death in Legends of Kesmai=Death_in_Legends_of_Kesmai 5 Death: The First Step=Death_The_First_Step 5 Resurrection=Resurrection 5 Resurrection by the Gods=Resurrection_by_the_Gods 5 Resurrection by a Priest=Resurrection_by_a_Priest 5 Resurrection by a Thaumaturge=Resurrection_by_a_Thaumaturge 5 Ending It All and Starting Over=Ending_It_All_and_Starting_Over 5 Praetoseba, the Underworld=Praetoseba_the_Underworld 5 Praetoseba - How to Get There=How_to_Get_There@LEGENDS.HLP>main 5 Aging of Characters=Age@LEGENDS.HLP>main 5 Graveyards=Graveyards 4 Social Structure in Legends of Kesmai 5 Social Structure in Legends of Kesmai=Social_Structure_in_Legends_of_Kesmai 5 Character Alignment=Character_Alignment 5 Karma=Karma@LEGENDS.HLP>main 5 Self-Defense=Self_Defense 5 Being Forgiven 6 Being Forgiven=Being_Forgiven 6 Being Forgiven by Another Player=Being_Forgiven_by_Another_Player 6 Being Forgiven by the Confessor Ghost=Being_Forgiven_by_the_Confessor_Ghost 5 Redeeming Karma in the Underworld (Praetoseba) 6 One Karma Point=One_Karma_Point 6 Two or More Karma Points=Two_or_More_Karma_Points 4 Special Ceremonies 5 Special Ceremonies=Special_Ceremonies 5 The Ceremony of Death=The_Ceremony_of_Death 5 The Ceremony of Ancestors=The_Ceremony_of_Ancestors 4 Nationalities 5 Nationalities in the Legends of Kesmai=Nationalities_on_Kesmai@LEGENDS.HLP>main 5 Barbarians=Barbarians@LEGENDS.HLP>main 5 Draznia=Draznia@LEGENDS.HLP>main 5 Hovath=Hovath@LEGENDS.HLP>main 5 Illyria=Illyria@LEGENDS.HLP>main 5 Lemuria=Lemuria@LEGENDS.HLP>main 5 Leng=Leng@LEGENDS.HLP>main 5 Mnar=Mnar@LEGENDS.HLP>main 5 Mu=Mu@LEGENDS.HLP>main 4 Occupations 5 Occupations in Legends of Kesmai=Occupations@LEGENDS.HLP>main 5 Fighter=Fighter@LEGENDS.HLP>main 5 Martial Artist=Martial_Artist@LEGENDS.HLP>main 5 Thaumaturge=Thaumaturge@LEGENDS.HLP>main 5 Thief=Thief@LEGENDS.HLP>main 5 Wizard=Wizard@LEGENDS.HLP>main 4 Weapon Descriptions 5 Bow Weapons=Bow_Weapons@LEGENDS.HLP>main 5 Dagger=Dagger@LEGENDS.HLP>main 5 Figurines=Figurines@LEGENDS.HLP>main 5 Flail=Flail@LEGENDS.HLP>main 5 Gauntlets=Gauntlets@LEGENDS.HLP>main 5 Halberd=Halberd@LEGENDS.HLP>main 5 Hand Combat=Hand_Combat 5 Mace=Mace@LEGENDS.HLP>main 5 Rapier=Rapier@LEGENDS.HLP>main 5 Shields=Shields@LEGENDS.HLP>main 5 Shuriken=Shuriken@LEGENDS.HLP>main 5 Staff=Staff@LEGENDS.HLP>main 5 Sword=Sword@LEGENDS.HLP>main 5 Three Section Staff=Three_Section_Staff@LEGENDS.HLP>main 5 Two-handed (2-H) Weapons=Two_handed_2_H_Weapons 4 Treasure 5 Amulets=Amulets@LEGENDS.HLP>main 5 Bottles=Bottles@LEGENDS.HLP>main 5 Bracelets=Bracelets@LEGENDS.HLP>main 5 Armor (as treasure)=Armor_as_treasure 5 Figurines=Figurines@LEGENDS.HLP>main 5 Gems=Gems@LEGENDS.HLP>main 5 Gold Coins=Gold_Coins@LEGENDS.HLP>main 5 Miscellanea=Miscellanea@LEGENDS.HLP>main 5 Rings (as treasure)=Rings_as_treasure 5 Weapons (as treasure)=Weapons_as_treasure 4 Text Command Information 5 Text Command Information=Text_Command_Information@LEGENDS.HLP>main 5 Abbreviations=Abbreviations@LEGENDS.HLP>main 5 Macros=Macros@LEGENDS.HLP>main 5 Movement Text Commands=Movement_Text_Commands@LEGENDS.HLP>main 5 Text Command Summary=Text_Command_Summary@LEGENDS.HLP>main 4 Phone Line Disconnects 5 Phone Line Disconnects=Phone_Line_Disconnects 4 Getting Help 5 Getting Help=Getting_Help 5 Books and Scrolls=Books_and_Scrolls 5 Online Help in Legends of Kesmai=Online_Help 5 Getting Help from Other Players=_Other_Players 5 Player Forums=Player_Forums 5 Version Notes=Version_Notes 5 Contacting Kesmai Corporation=Contacting_Kesmai_Corporation 1 Legends of Kesmai Spellbook 2 Magic and Magic Users 3 Magic and Magic Users=Magic_and_Magic_Users 3 Modern Magic=Modern_Magic 3 Wizardry=Wizardry 3 Thaumaturgy=Thaumaturgy 3 Thieves=Thieves 3 Knights=Knights 2 Magic Miscellanea 3 Safeguarding Your Spell Book=Safeguarding_Your_Spell_Book 3 Magic Limitations and Warnings=Magic_Limitations_and_Warnings 3 Using Magic Points=Using_Magic_Points 2 Spell Lists by Occupation 3 Spell Lists by Occupation=Spell_Lists_by_Occupation 3 Wizard Spells=Wizard_Spells 3 Thaumaturge Spells=Thaumaturge_Spells 3 Thief Spells=Thief_Spells 3 Knight Spells=Knight_Spells 2 Spell Descriptions 3 Key to Spell Descriptions=Spell_Descriptions 3 Banish Spell=Banish_Spell 3 Blind Spell=Blind_Spell 3 Blind Resistance Spell=Blind_Resistance_Spell 3 Bonfire Spell=Bonfire_Spell 3 Breathe Water Spell=Breathe_Water_Spell 3 Close/Open Door Spell=Close_Open_Door_Spell 3 Concussion Spell=Concussion_Spell 3 Create Lava Spell=Create_Lava_Spell 3 Create Portal Spell=Create_Portal_Spell 3 Create Snake Spell=Create_Snake_Spell 3 Create Web Spell=Create_Web_Spell 3 Cure Spell=Cure_Spell 3 Curse Spell=Curse_Spell 3 Darkness Spell=Darkness_Spell 3 Death Spell=Death_Spell 3 Death Resistance Spell=Death_Resistance_Spell 3 Disintegrate Spell=Disintegrate_Spell 3 Dispel Illusion Spell=Dispel_Illusion_Spell 3 Dragon Breath Spell=Dragon_Breath_Spell 3 Enchant Weapon Spell=Enchant_Spell 3 Fear Spell=Fear_Spell 3 Fear Resistance Spell=Fear_Resistance_Spell 3 Feather Fall Spell=Feather_Fall_Spell 3 Find Secret Doors Spell=Find_Secret_Doors_Spell 3 Fire Ball Spell=Fire_Ball_Spell 3 Fire Bolt Spell=Fire_Bolt_Spell 3 Fire Storm Spell=Fire_Storm_Spell 3 Hide Door Spell=Hide_Door_Spell 3 Hide in Shadows Spell=Hide_in_Shadows_Spell 3 Ice Spear Spell=Ice_Spear_Spell 3 Ice Storm Spell=Ice_Storm_Spell 3 Identify Spell=Identify_Spell 3 Illusion Spell=Illusion_Spell 3 Light Spell=Light_Spell 3 Lightning Bolt Spell=Lightning_Bolt_Spell 3 Lightning Lance Spell=Lightning_Lance_Spell 3 Lightning Resist Spell=Lightning_Resist_Spell 3 Lightning Storm Spell=Lightning_Storm_Spell 3 Locate Spell=Locate_Spell 3 Magic Missile Spell=Magic_Missile_Spell 3 Make Recall Ring Spell=Make_Recall_Ring_Spell 3 Neutralize Poison Spell=Neutralize_Poison_Spell 3 Night Vision Spell=Night_Vision_Spell 3 Peek Spell=Peek_Spell 3 Poison Cloud Spell=Poison_Cloud_Spell 3 Protection from Blind and Fear Spell=Protection_from_Blind_and_Fear_Spell 3 Protection from Cold Spell=Protection_from_Cold_Spell 3 Protection from Fire Spell=Protection_from_Fire_Spell 3 Protection from Fire and Ice Spell=Protection_from_Fire_and_Ice_Spell 3 Protection from Stun and Death Spell=Protection_from_Stun_and_Death_Spell 3 Raise Dead Spell=Raise_Dead_Spell 3 Shield Spell=Shield_Spell 3 Strength Spell=Strength_Spell 3 Stun Spell=Stun_Spell 3 Stun Resistance Spell=Stun_Resistance_Spell 3 Summon Demon Spell=Summon_Demon_Spell 3 Summon Phantasm Spell=Summon_Phantasm_Spell 3 Turn Undead Spell=Turn_Undead_Spell 3 Wall of Fire Spell=Wall_of_Fire_Spell 3 Whirlwind Spell=Whirlwind_Spell 3 Wizard Eye Spell=Wizard_Eye_Spell 1 Technical Troubleshooting 2 Placeholder page=Placeholder_page 1 Legends of Kesmai Credits 2 Placeholder page=Placeholder_page