CEDAR MOUNTAIN--a scenario for Wargame Construction Set III: Age of Rifles designed by Kevin Klemme, kklemme@indiana.edu Cedar Mountain recreates a relatively small battle that preceded the battle of Second Bull Run/Second Manassas. Union General Nathaniel Banks encountered a strong probing force under Generals Stonewall Jackson and AP Hill. Banks, heavily outnumbered, attacked in spite of the odds. The Union attack was fierce, and the Confederate response was slow and clumsy. Throughout the day, errors in both commands created a stalemate that lead to heavy casualties. By nightfall, Confederate numbers began to tell, and Jackson's forces eventually swept the Union soldiers from the field. Along with the Official Records, I used these sources in creating this scenario: _Echoes of Glory: Illustrated Atlas of the Civil War_, Time-Life Books, 1991 Edward J. Stackpole, _From Cedar Mountain to Antietam_, Stackpole Books, 1993 (2nd ed.) _Battles and Leaders of the Civil War_, vol II, Castle Books, 1982 (repr. ed.) To install: unzip the files and place them in the /rifles/scenario directory.