INVADE DRAENOR! invasion1p.pud invasion2p.pud invasion4p.pud The single-player map. The double-player map. The quad-player map. NOTE: Only expect to have the Draenor landscape and expansion set heroes if you have downloaded the patch from "". If you don't have the patch, your heroes will be Lothar and Uther Lightbringer instead of Alleria, Turalyon, Danath, and Khadgar or they could be just normal units, I'm not sure. King Tark (you) and your kingdom have driven the orcish hordes into their homeworld of Draenor. Turalyon, Khadgar, Alleria, and Danath are under your orders to build and fortify a defense on the other side of the Dark Portal. They lead a group of peasants into the swirling madness of the portal and you wonder if the mission will be a success. Within the hour, a messanger is sent back through the portal. He describes the land as dry and dead compared to ours, but plants seem to thrive there. There are giant mushrooms that can be used as a substitute for trees. He informs you that they have located a small, quickly-made orcish outpost and that there appears to be 2 important and powerful-looking orcs, 1 gigantic and muscular ogre, and a death knight so powerful that Khadgar could sense him as soon as they arrived. You dispatch the messanger and imagine what an important victory this would be, for either side. In invasion1p.pud, you are against the computer by yourself while in invasion2p.pud, you and someone else work together to destroy the outpost, and in invasion4p.pud, two players are orc, and two are human.