E3 Demo Things: The scenario is set up so that the goals are as follows: 1). Avoid the Guard Towers (they are very deadly). 2). Kill the guard bots (the CES01 eric bots). 3). Approach the guard tower nearest the Scorpion (it will probably kill you, but do it anyway). 4). After ejection (either by death or by the E key), run on foot to the scorp tower, which will cause you to enter the scorp tower. 5). Kill the other guard tower, quick. Or it will kill you. 6). Kill the scorp. 7). Kill the power plant. (The tower you're in will stop working). 8). Exit the guard tower via E. 9). Run to the tank (you will take it over), or stay on foot, then kill the spider. 10). Run to the bot elevator. It will open and you will win. Things to demo: When you first get in, keypad plus and minus will move the bot forward and back. The black bar sets the target speed, and the yellow indicates actual speed. Reverse is not indicated, but the absolute speed is. DISABLED! Missile cam: Press M to activate the missile cam, and the next missile you fire (button 1) will send you flying. Pick Q to choose the bot you're looking at as the current target. Or tab through all the bots. Once the bot is targeted, W will track the bot via torso twisting, and space will twist back to 0. < and > keys will manually turn the torso. Hit Q when pointing at nothing to deselect the target. Outside bot: Choose C to get outside the bot. The normal controls like fire and turn will still work, but the insert, home, delete, and pageup and pagedown keys will do interesting things to the camera also. Look in the controls doc for more detail. The HoloScan on the left shows target info, including shield strength. The HoloScan on the right shows your own status, including energy level and shield strength. Release note: The current implementation of damage display is not complete, but merely representational. In the final game, green on a "clump" will represent undamaged, yellow somewhat damaged, and red very damaged. The Top of the screen shows current weaponry status. Dot indicates ready to fire. The laser recharges fully when the bar is full, but you can fire off a weaker charge more often.