The Birthright demo. September 12, 1996 version Copyright (c) 1996 by Sierra On-Line, Inc. The zip file for this demo takes about 19 Meg of hard drive space. When you execute it, it will unpack about 45 Meg of game demo files. So, you should have around 64 Meg available to unpack this demo. Once unpacked, you can delete the zip file. This demo runs under Windows '95 only. When you execute the Install batch file, it will unpack the Birthright demo, creating the needed subdirectories. The batch file will prompt you to select the drive letter you wish to install to. It will then create a directory called BRDEMO and install the needed files there. To run the demo, type BIRTHRT.EXE and press return. The demo is self-running or interactive. Let it run and see the movie and slide shows, or press any key to step through to the realm turn display (with the map) and click about to see previews or descriptions of some of the game's features. Many of the game play features of the game could not be included in this small demo. More than 20 adventures take place in lavishly detailed, high-res castles, temples, ruins, dungeons, and forest settings. There are hundreds of game characters with uniquely detailed, high-res animation art. The battles take place in a fully immersive, 3D environment, allowing the camera to view all the action from any angle and at any distance. The full Birthright game includes over 300 Megabytes of animation and texture art to present the world of Cerilia in all its medeival glory. While exploring the interactive elements of the demo, be sure to left and right click on anything that looks like an icon or a button. The game and the demo include a wide variety of help text that will pop up to instruct you on the use of the game controls. Be sure to click on the force and location icons on the game map itself. In the game, that will lead to battles and adventures. In this demo, it will run a short battle movie and an adventure slide show, providing a brief glimpse of what the full product will look like. All of the art in this demo is available as standard PCX and FLC files that can be accessed for your review or for use in screen shots for upload or print reviews. In the demo itself, you can press the 'E' key to access an edit feature that allows you to browse through the included animation art. Birthright will ship in November of 1996.