Thank you for trying the Baku Baku Demo. This file has been created to help you get the most out of your game. For additional help and information, check out our web site at "". -------------------------------------------------------------------- How to install the Baku Baku Demo -------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's how to install the Baku Baku Demo: 1) Create a new folder ( C:\BAKU for example) 2) Copy BAKUDEMO.exe to the new folder 3) Go to the Start Button, Choose Run, and type: "c:\baku\bakudemo -d" (do not include quotes) (This is assuming that your new directory is c:\baku) 4) Copy dmix.dll and dino2d.dll (both found in your new folder) into your the system folder (which is inside of the windows folder on your hard disk) -------------------------------------------------------------------- If you are experiencing technical difficulties, here is some advice: -------------------------------------------------------------------- If the game does not run, make sure that you have Direct X installed. You can get this for free on many sites of the World Wide Web. If you have a Diamond brand video card, you may need to download the latest Diamond brand drivers from their web site at: "" If the game runs, but the blocks pull to the left, this is because the game defaults to the gamepad or joystick. If you want to play with the keyboard go to the Options Menu, choose Operation Settings, select the 1p and 2p Keyboard Option, and then set the Keyboard Setting to the Cursor Option. This will make the cursor keys move the blocks and the Enter key will rotate the blocks. If you have a gamepad connected, make sure that it is configured and calibrated properly under the control panel's joystick icon. If you get a MMSYSTEM DEVICE ID message - erase the Baku.ini file in the windows directory and then rerun the game. The Baku Baku Help file does not work from gameplay. To access the Baku Baku Help file, double click on the help file icon from Windows 95. This file will be in the directory that you install Baku Baku PC. If you have any other technical support issues or need help, feel free to send email to ---------------------------------------------------------------------- To increase game performance try the following techniques: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Close all other applications before running Baku Baku. Make sure that screen savers and other programs are not running in the background. Baku Baku runs best in 256 colors and 640X480 resolution. To make sure that you are running in this color depth and resolution, right mouse click on the desktop, choose "Properties", choose "Settings", and then configure your display appropriately. Some systems play better in full screen than others. To toggle between full screen and window mode, press F4. To Pause and Unpause the game, press F3. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have any problems or need technical support, please send email to Happy gaming! Your friends at SEGA Entertainment