B L O O D !!!! by Felix Rivero Blood, guts, violence and gore is what BLOOD is all about. The orcish horde is closing in and fast. All has been lost and defeat is inevitable. The once mighty lands of Azeroth lie in ruins full of orc pillaging and celebrations. There is but one human outpost left near the plains of Soldania. It is here that the LAST of the humans remain. Although the soldiers of Soldania know their death is within the hour, they plan to give the horde the greatest battle they have ever seen, as the humans cling to their lifes for as long as possible and try to die with honor. This scenario was not necesarily designed to be beaten, but to see how long one can last. To do well at this scenario, one must think and act very very FAST!!! For the horde will come, and they will come with great power. This is a great scenario to fully test ones warcraft abilities, even for the super experienced player. IMPORTANT NOTES: -To enjoy this scenario one MUST leave all of the resources at default. -BLOOD is a one player scenario only, but I am currently working on a two-player team version. Believe it or not, this scenario IS beatable without the use of cheat codes. Although I have to admit, I've only been able to do it once. Enjoy the scenario and good luck.... -Felix