As I sat in the chair with Monica sitting beside me in the floor it slowly dawned on me that my three friends still had needs. They had been so busy working on Monica that they hadn't had the chance that I had to come. There could be little question of them needing it. Not after having seen Monica come so strongly only moments before. "Monica, our friends no doubt have cum to dump", I said matter- of-factly. "How may I serve you MASTER?", she asked submissively. "How many holes do you have, Monica?" "I have three fuck holes, MASTER." "And how many of your slut fuck holes are empty at the moment, Monica?" "They are all empty, MASTER", she replied with a sigh. "And how many cocks do our friends have, my little whore?" "Three, MASTER!...Three WONDERFUL cocks!", she beamed. "I want you to take our friends into our bed, Monica, and I want you to take one cock in each hole and let them all three fuck you at the same time until they spew their hot cum into you. Would you like that?" "Yesssssss, MASTER!!...I need to be fucked so badly, MASTER, and I love cocks so very much!! Pleassssse may I take them all now?" As she spoke the desires of her body her hand moved between her legs and began rubbing her clit. "Yes, it now....take all three of them and fuck them well...and when you are done, come tell me which man shot his cum in which of your holes." She rose slowly, and walking over to the men and stroking Tony's cheek, said sexily, "My MASTER is allowing me to be the recepticle for your cum....please come dump it into my eager holes!" With that she walked toward the bedroom, her naked ass swaying deliciously as she moved. My friends followed almost as if in a trance, shaking their heads in disbelief as they walked behind her. While Monica was serving our friends, I took the time to plan the activities for the rest of the day. I had just about decided to go set up the slut meter when the phone rang. "MASTER!..he was called out of town unexpectedly on business, and won't be home until tomorrow at lunch! May I serve you in some way?" Donna's wonderfully sexy voice crooned her request. "Hi, Donna, you did right in calling me, however I have some guests over and I'm not sure that this is the right time for me, wait a minute..I think it would be great for you to come over today!...yes, it will work out just fine. Dress in something very sexy and come over at about 2:00...that should give us time to finish lunch, ok?" "Ohhhh, yes!!, MASTER, I'm so glad that you can use me. I'll see you at 2:00 then!!", she responded excitedly. Hanging up the phone, the wheels really began to turn in my mind now. The unexpected but delightful addition of Donna to the days activities would make for some interesting changes in the plans I had made. Very, very interesting! I hadn't been off the phone with Donna long when Monica walked in and stood before me. Her hair was disheveled and there was a spot of cum still on her chin. "MASTER, our guests have fed me their cum, will it please you for me to give my report now?", she asked obediently. "Yes, Monica, admit to me how your slut body has been used", I replied firmly. "I was fucked thoroughly in all my holes, MASTER. Tony gave me his cock in my asshole, Jack shot a large amount of cum into my mouth, and Mark fucked my slut cunt. All my holes have been sprayed well with their fuck as you requested." "I can see the cum on your chin, Monica, open your mouth and let me see if there is cum remaining there", I instructed. Bending over in front of me and opening her mouth wide she allowed me to search for traces of sperm in her mouth. I found much more than traces, and realized that she was awaiting my permission to swallow Jack's fuck. "You may swallow now, Monica", I said. "Thank you MASTER," she said and I watched as she swallowed the large gobs of his cum down her throat. "Now, open your cunt for me and let me check for cum there, Monica." She obediently opened her legs and bent at the knee, pulling her lips out and letting me look into the opening of her cunt. There was cum cum there as well. "Yes, I can see turn around and show me your bottom fuck hole." Her ass cheeks still were a bit red from her ass-fucking, and when she bent over there was white cum still oozing out of her hole. "You have pleased your MASTER, may go prepare lunch for us now." "Would my MASTER like for me to clean up first?", she asked. "No, leave their cum in your holes for now...just go fix lunch as I asked", I said rather sternly. "Of course, MASTER," she replied and went into the kitchen to prepare our mid-day meal. Later on, after we had all eaten and Monica had cleaned up the kitchen, we gathered in the living room once more. "What do you have planned for us this afternoon?", asked Jack. Looking at my watch, I replied happily, "I have a special treat for you this afternoon. A treat which Monica isn't even aware that I'm going to be able to provide. While the three of you were using my little slave so adequately earlier the phone rang. It was a new friend of ours named Donna who was calling to ask if she could come over to visit today." I looked at Monica and noticed the small grin that appeared on her face. I smiled back at her and continued. "One of the things about Monica that you've not had the opportunity to observe yet is that she is being trained to be bi as well as being allowed to enjoy the pleasures that men can provide. I thought you might find a little show by two bi-sluts interesting entertainment this afternoon." This announcement brought big smiles to the faces of our friends and excited jabbering about how they had always wanted to experience what we were going to be able to provide for them. "Is this Donna a lesbian, or what?", asked Tony. "No, Donna is a slave-slut just as Monica is", I replied patiently, "but to answer your question more completely and honestly, I will say that Donna really finds being with Monica extremely exciting and enjoy's dominating her, while Monica is at the moment learning the world of the bi-slave, and is predominantly participating in bi-sexual activities merely to please me. I think you will find though that it is difficult to tell that by the responsiveness which Monica displays. It should be quite exciting." Just then the door-bell rang and I opened it, inviting Donna into the living room. She was dressed in a lovely red wrap-around dress which came just above her knees and red high heels. Monica sat obediently in the floor with her head bowed as I introduced Donna to the men. Following the routine round of name giving I stood beside Donna with my arm around her waist and said: "This afternoon Donna will be submissive to me, but dominant with Monica. That will in effect make Monica the slave of a slave, which is of course a very submissive position to assume. Donna will of course do everything which I tell her to do, but she will also be free to direct Monica to do anything which she might desire for her to do." I could feel Donna's body begin to tremble as I talked. "Until you are told otherwise I would appreciate it if you would merely observe our two slave-sluts as they perform for you...of course you may feel free to masturbate at any time if you feel the need...which I expect you may very well do", I continued. Turning to address Donna, I then directed her to stand in front of the three men and lift her dress to her waist, displaying her legs and panties to them. She slid the soft material up slowly revealing her lovely legs which were encased in tan nylons and held up by a pretty red garter belt. Her panties were red as well and barely covered her sparsely haired pussy. "Now, show our guests your nipples, Donna", I commanded. Dropping her dress, she opened the top and pulled it to the sides. She wore no bra and her nipples had already grown nearly a half-inch long. The contrast in her full, round breasts and Monica's smaller ones was not lost on our guests, who whistled with appreciation. "Monica, remove Donna's dress for her now", I directed. Rising eagerly, Monica moved to Donna, and standing behind her in order to allow our guests to see, reached around to untie the belt holding Donna's dress together, and opened it. She then slid it gently off her body, kissing her shoulders and back as the material fell away. She folded the dress neatly and laid it on the table next to the couch. "Monica, greet Donna properly now and tell her who you are." Monica moved back to Donna and sitting in front of her in the submissive position so familiar to us all by now, said with her head bowed: "I am your slave-slut, MISTRESS Donna, and I am pleased that you are here to use me in whatever way you choose. May I rise and kiss you please?" Looking at me for approval and recieving it, Donna began to assume her role as Monica's mistress. "Yes, slave...rise and give yourself to me", she said with authority. Monica stood and, pressing her body against Donna's, kissed her with open mouth, running her hands over Donna's back and squeezing her ass through the red panties. Donna returned her kiss enthusiasticly and pulled her submissive body tightly against her own. The sight of the two garter-belt clad women locked in a deep kiss in front of them was beginning to have an affect on the three men and I watched with a smile as I saw them licking their lips and beginning to rub their cocks through their pants. Donna's hands now moved to Monica's head and pressed it downward toward her chest. Monica kissed her way along Donna's neck and across her chest to her breasts, taking the right one in her mouth and sucking on it delightedly. Donna ran her hands through Monica's short hair as she suckled her tit. Moving her head back some now, Monica took the hardening nipple between her lips and sucked on it, feeling it grow longer and harder. Her teeth pulled and bit at it, eliciting a moan from her mistress. Donna was breathing hard now and her voice broke as she gave her slave the next command. "Take my panties off, Monica, and lick me...NOW!!" Reluctantly leaving Donna's beautiful breasts, Monica kissed her way down the flat belly, her hands moving to the pretty and now soaking wet panties covering Donna's aching cunt. She slid them down the sexy legs and tossed them aside as her mouth moved to the wet pleasure pit in front of her. Donna opened her legs wider and pressed Monica's face against her crotch. Reaching out to pick up the pretty panties which had landed near my feet, I held them to my face to smell the aroma of Donna's cunt juice and then tossed them across the room to the other men. They in turn sniffed the crotch, smiling at the soaked fabric and the delightful smell. Monica was now eating Donna eagerly, licking her slit from her asshole to her clit, and Donna was humping her hips with earnest. I watched as Monica's right hand moved between her own legs and began to rub her hard clit. Donna had noticed as well. "Ohhh, so the little slave slut is getting off on eating pussy, is she?", Donna asked in mock disgust. "In that case, lay down on your back and open your legs for the men so they can see you finger your slave-slut hole, you tramp!" "Yessss, MISTRESS!", Monica replied and lay back on her back spreading her legs with her pussy pointed at the three men on the couch. Her right hand began a circular motion at the top of her slit, rubbing her hard clit furiously. "Please, MISTRESS, please give your slave the pussy she loves to eat so much, pleassse let your slave eat it some more!", she begged. Kneeling over her, Donna lowered her hips to Monica's face, rubbing her sopping wet pussy against her open mouth, and began pinching and pulling at her left nipple with one hand and on one of Monica's nipples with the other hand. "Yessss, lick back further....just like that...yessss, slave!!..lick my asshole!...stick your tongue inside my asssss!!!", Donna moaned. My poker partners now had their cocks out and were stroking them earnestly, excited tremendously by the two bi-sluts who were so eagerly enjoying each other in front of them. I too was aroused, but needed to relieve myself before really being able to enjoy masturbating. Rising with my semi-hard cock poking out of my open fly, I moved to the two women and straddled Monica, sticking my cock in Donna's open mouth as she knelt above her face. Slowly the stream of piss began to run from my cock into Donna's willing mouth and she swallowed quickly trying to catch it all. Unconcerned about whether she could swallow it fast enough or if some would leak out onto Monica's writhing body beneath her, I let the piss flow as it might. Donna tried valiantly, but some spurted out of her mouth and splashed onto Monica's chest and face. When I was done I wiped my wet cock- head on Donna's cheeks and moved back to my seat and began to masturbate in earnest. Such a degree of submissiveness was obviously new to our guests, and two of them were experiencing strong orgasms as they watched Donna licking her lips with delight at being fed my urine. It was obvious that they were enjoying what they were seeing. Supporting herself with her left hand and leaning forward, Donna began to slide two of her fingers into Monica's dripping wet cunt alongside the two of Monica's that were already there. As Monica pulled hers hard to the top of her slit, Donna pushed hers hard to the bottom, spreading it open wider and wider, stretching it, making it ready for even more. Monica moaned and worked yet another of her fingers into her hole, inviting Donna to do the same. When Donna's third finger was added to the five fingers already there, Monica's ass began humping up into the air and she began fucking herself hard against the six intruder's. Unable to see the finger-fucking, although instinctively aware of what was taking place, my eyes were fixed on Donna's rising and falling ass as she humped herself on Monica's face. Reaching out with my bare foot, I rested it on Monica's forehead and began to press my big toe against Donna's exposed anus. As I pressed it harder and harder against her, she fucked herself back on it with more insistence, until it popped into her ass noisily. I shoved it in with all my might as my own orgasm began, powerful spurts of semen erupting from my dick and shooting out onto Donna's ass in front of me. Before my cock had finished jerking, the two slave-sluts in front of me had also begun to come, and their cries and moans soon resulted in our third male guest spilling his cum into his lap. Monica continued to lick up the leaking fuck from Donna's cunt long after her orgasm had ended, until finally Donna rolled off of her juice drenched body and lay beside her. They lay, untouching, while their breathing returned to normal and then I watched with pleasure as they almost simultaneously turned toward each other and began to kiss once more. This time the kisses were softer, gentler, filled with more deep emotion than before. I was glad that Donna had been able to come over. And I knew I was not alone. --