It was one of those lovely May days when the temperature, flowers, and the sound of the birds made anyone with the least bit of sensitivity overwhelmingly aware that spring had indeed arrived. I had been at work for only an hour when Monica called and asked if I could come home. It was not unusual for her to make such a request; we had an understanding about that. I allowed her to call me anytime she wanted to and to ask for me to come home whenever she needed sex. Sometimes I just made her hotter and made her masturbate herself, but other times I went home and either watched her bring herself to an orgasm or used her in some way until she came at least once before I returned to work. We had only been married for a little less than a year, but Monica had been my slave long before we married. We had met on a computer service that was somewhat sex oriented, and had gradually become aware that we enjoyed and needed dominance and submission in our sexual relationship. This had continued over the telephone and later on when we dated, but it had really begun to flower once we were married. I had taken my time in training Monica and she had responded beautifully. She had gradually been exposed to more and more of the realm of the slave until almost without realizing it she had turned into a hungry slave slut who could never seem to get enough of her MASTER. She had long ago learned that it not only pleased me for her to masturbate often, but that I expected and demanded it of her. Often I would tell her what to think about while she fingered her little clit or shoved things up her hungry slut fuck hole, but there were other times when I simply told her to go masturbate and think about anything or anyone that she wanted to think about. Most of the time when I was around to watch I would make her come back into the room that I was in when she was ready to come and finish while she stood or knelt in front of me, but other times when she came in the room to ask for my permission to come I would just send her back to the bedroom and listen with a smile on my face at the moans and gasps as she brought herself to a climax. What really surprised me about her calling so early on this spring morning was that I had allowed her to come before I left for work, and it had seemed to me to be an unusually strong orgasm for her. There was nothing at all unusual about her waking up horny, she had been doing that for months now, ever since I started inserting the dildo in her ass at night before allowing her to sleep. There was something about waking up in the morning and realizing that she had slept all night with that dildo in her ass that made her really hot to fuck. Some mornings if I awoke before her I would wake her by rubbing my balls against her lips as I knelt over her, but usually I would awake to find her hungry little mouth working on my cock, balls or asshole. Monica is an extremely oral little slut who really loves cocksucking and the taste of warm cum, but its almost as if she loves balls and assholes just as much as cocks. One time just as a test of my control and her submissiveness I told her to lick my asshole without touching my cock until I told her to stop and over an hour passed before I finally let her take my cock in her mouth and finish me. Even then she seemed reluctant to leave my ass. But this morning when I awoke I found her laying beside me on her stomach humping her hand. I slid my hand under her warm little belly and let my fingers join hers at her sloppy wet cunt, sliding two of mine in along side the two she already had up inside her little fuck hole. She fucked those four fingers as if they were the best cock she had ever had, her tight ass rising and falling deliciously with each thrust of her hips. She still had the dildo in her ass, of course, she knew full well that only I could remove the dildo from her ass in the mornings, and when she was ready to come she reached back with her other hand and began fucking the dildo in and out of her hot asshole. She turned her head to me as she hunched and bumped and humped her slut holes against the firm intruders inside them and said "I live to fuck, MASTER, I'm a dirty little tramp slave slut who wants only to please her MASTER!! Please, please MASTER, may your dirty slave slut whore show you what a hungry little piece she is and come all over her hand?" Turning my head to look into her eyes and smiling wickedly, I began spanking her churning ass cheeks and replied " Yes, my trembling and submissive little slave you may come for your MASTER now!" Her hips raised higher and higher with each thrust as she continued to impale her hungry holes on the fingers and dildo inside her body, until at the height of her orgasm she was like a wild and wanton animal lewdly slamming her holes full of hard probes and grunting over and over again as she came. Finally her moans stopped and she collapsed on the bed breathless and panting. Now, not much over two hours since coming so violently, here she was on the phone wanting me to come home and fuck her. I decided that perhaps this was a good day to exlore some new territory with my slave and told her that I would be home shortly. I also told her to dress herself in the white dress that I had bought for her the previous week and to wear under it her white garter belt outfit and tan stockings. I also told her to not wear the bra that came with the set, only the garter belt and the little shiny white panties. It was a lovely dress, a very light material that was actually rather easy to see through. Normally a woman would not wear that dress without a slip under it, especially if she was wearing a garter belt, but we both knew when I bought it that there would not be many times when Monica would wear it with a slip, no matter where we were going or who would see her. She knew without my telling her to wear the ankle bracelet on which I had had the word slut engraved as well as the 4 inch high heels that matched the dress. Much to my delight when I arrived home I found her dressed and sitting on the couch in the living room watching an x- rated movie on the vcr her fingers busy inside her little white panties. I kissed her on the cheek and played with her nipples through the thin material until she was almost ready to come and then made her stop, turning off the vcr and informing her that we were going for a ride. She was never very happy when I made her stop before she could come, but she knew that she would come many times before the day was over and of course she knew that she would be punished if she complained about my making her stop. So with a loud sigh she lowered her dress and followed me out to the car. Opening the door for her I watched her enter the car in the manner which I had prescribed for her, sitting down first and then sliding her dress up above her knees just the required amount before swinging her legs in and sliding her dress up even further. She had long ago learned the proper way to enter and exit a car both when there were others present and when we were alone. Actually there was only one major difference in the two approaches, that being that when we were alone she raised her dress all the way to her waist and opened her legs wide after having swung her legs inside the car. If there were others present or if another man was holding the door open for her she merely raised her dress as high as possible without her garters showing before he closed the door on her side of the car. This in itself was of course a very sexy thing to see and I often had enjoyed watching men roll their eyes as they watched my little slut enter and leave cars. Monica seldom had to open the door of a car for herself. The procedure was the same if she was driving and a man opened the drivers side door for her, even if I was not along. I knew that the men who watched her display her legs in that way would want to fuck her, but I also knew that she would only fuck those men that I allowed her to fuck, and it pleased me for her to make cocks hard. When she got out of the car the procedure was even more exciting because she had been trained to open her legs and place one foot at a time outside the car when the door was being held open for her and only to lower and smooth out her dress after standing. There was always a good view to be had even when I allowed her to wear pantyhose, which was not often, and even then they were usually crotchless pantyhose. I was aware that she had turned her head and was looking at me as I turned into the gas station, but I paid her little mind. She knew that I would not allow her to lower her dress, and she also knew how much the man who ran the station loved to clean the windshield of our car while the gas was being pumped into the tank. She hated the way the man looked at her so lewdly and openly stared at her pantied crotch and yet she knew that I was allowing him to look and that there was nothing she could do about it that she would not pay for later on. So she just sat there with her head bowed and her eyes lowered as the man looked at her stockinged legs and her damp white panties. I always acted as if there was nothing unusual at all about her sitting there so exposed and paid no attention at all to the man's lewd staring at my wifes exposed crotch. Soon we were back on the road again, and while I knew that she was upset with me for exposing her to the man at the gas station I was also very much aware that her cunt had dampened even more in the process. the smell of her pussy permeated the air in the car and I breathed it in deeply with great satisfaction. As we turned onto the four lane highway leading away from our little town I inserted the tape that I had been saving for just such a day into the cassette player. It was a special tape that I had made just for Monica to listen to while we were in the car together. It had been made at a party which I had thrown while Monica had been away visiting her father and brother in New York. I had invited a group of people over who were special friends of ours. They were all very much aware of who Monica is and what she is for, and all of them had had sex with her on numerous occasions. The reason I had thrown the party was to give us a chance to discuss our next get-together with Monica and to plan how we would use her at that time, but I had also had the idea for this tape and had planned on making it also. The tape had some of our favorite music on it, but interspersed with the music were the voices of our friends speaking to Monica about very filthy and dirty things. There was Dan the college quarterback reminding Monica that he still wanted to have her join him and the rest of the team in their lockerroom some night after a game. He talked openly to her about how they would all let her suck their cocks and how they would take turns fucking her over and over again until they had spilled all their cum into and onto her. Then there was Paul the dark-haired stockbroker who talked for a solid fifteen minutes about how much he loved to fuck her in the ass. There was Cindy, the high school cheerleader who in her giggly little voice kept telling Monica over and over how much she wanted to let the whole cheerleading squad watch Monica perform for them. She made it quite clear that "performing" for them would include eating all their juicy little cunts. Robert, the black lawyer, loved to tease Monica about her love for black cocks, and spent his allotted time talking to her in a really degrading way about what a slut she was to love to suck him off as much as she did. While his features were not particulary those of a black man his voice certainly was, and his teasing and chiding words took on extra impact because of his accent and the sound of his voice calling her a slut and a whore and a dirty little nigger sucking tramp. John, the police sargent talked about hand-cuffing her and fucking her with his night-stick while some of the other guys in the department watched, and then letting them all take turns with her. He also talked about catching her with Robert and spanking her in front of the others because she had been sucking his black dick. As I had expected, Monica was unable to listen to the tape without getting very excited and she would either finger herself or reach for my hand and place it on her sopping wet cunt each time one of the voices would begin to speak. I smiled with satisfaction watching her grow increasingly hot and seeing her come over and over again as the familiar and exciting voices made her feel even more submissive. As we rode along she became far too hot and submissive to care what was going on in the world around her, and I purposely pulled alongside trucks to let the drivers have a view of her fingering her little cunt as she listened to the voices on the tape. I also told her to open her dress from the top to her waist so that the drivers could see her perky little tits and watch as she pinched her hardening nipples while masturbating. When the tape ended, I turned on the cb radio so that we could listen to the chatter among the truck drivers who had been watching Monica perform for them. That seemed to be the first time that she was really aware that they had been watching her, she had been so lost in her lust that she hadn't given it much thought while it was occuring. When she saw me take the microphone in hand and begin to talk about her to the drivers she began to beg me to stop, telling me that I was embarrasing her and pleading with me to not tell them all the dirty things that she enjoyed doing as my slave. But I not only told them how much she loved to suck big hard cocks, but invited them all to meet us at the next rest stop where I would let them all have her hot little mouth on their dicks. When we pulled into the rest stop we were met by 9 hot and horny truck drivers of all descriptions who couldn't wait to have this hot little slave of mine take their cum in her mouth. Knowing that there was no point in refusing, and frankly needing their cum as much as they needed for her to suck it from them, Monica got out of the car and walked directly to the mens room motioning for them to follow her. Once inside the men began pawing at her, their rough hands unbuttoning her dress and sliding it off her body. They all grabbed at her tits and felt between her legs and pressed their mouths against hers in hot, sloppy kisses. She felt hands on her ass cheeks pulling them apart, hands on her thighs, hands on her tits and lips kissing her naked legs and neck. Their seemed to be fingers everywhere, fingers pinching her nipples, fingers pusshing at her cunt, trying to enter her asshole. She felt hard dicks being placed in her hands and rubbed against her naked body. She jerked the cocks in her hands as they lowered her to the floor, feeling two men opening her legs and holding them apart as another man lowered himself between her stockinged thighs. Now another sweaty body was straddling her chest and a cock was being placed in her open and hungry mouth. All she could see feel and think about was cocks. There seemed to be cocks everywhere. Hard thick smelly cocks fucking her mouth and hands and cunt, fucking her and spewing their white hot cum into her and onto her. She had no idea how long they kept her there or how many times they fucked her. She really didn't even know how many times she came herself although she knew she came several times in succession more than once. Finally she realized that she was alone and that they had left her there by herself, naked and covered with cum, lying on the floor of the mens room. She struggled to her feet looking around for her dress, realizing to her dismay that the dress was not there. She washed herself off as best she could and then peeking out the door of the mens room saw her MASTER standing by their car holding her dress in his hands. She motioned for him to bring her the dress and then realized that he would not do that, and that she would have to cross the parking area clad in only her stockings and panties. The embarrasment of having to cross the parking area nearly nude was minor compared to the gang-bang she had just experienced and Monica walked calmly to the car. She expected me to allow her to put her dress on, but instead found that I had spread a sheet over the back seat and was instructing her to lay on her side in the back for the remainder of the trip. She meekly lay on her side with her naked ass exposed and felt my handcuffing her with her arms beind her. The tape played over and over on the return trip home and she found herself still longing to be able to finger herself and being terribly frustrated by the cuffs which kept her hands behind her back. After what seemed like hours but was only a few minutes we arrived back at our home. I helped the bound little slave get out of the back seat and led her into the house still semi-naked and still cuffed. Once inside I removed the handcuff's and took Monica into the bedroom and laid her gently on the bed to rest while I ran her bath. I finished removing her clothing while the water was running and afterward slowly eased her into the hot water and bathed her gently, making sure to remove all the come that had been spilled onto her earlier. After the bath I allowed her to douche in front of me and then having her kneel in the tub greased her asshole well and inserted the enema nozzle, filling her ass with warm soapy water to remove the cum that had been shot up her dark hole by the horny truck drivers. After drying her beautiful naked body off with a big rough towel, I turned back the covers of our bed and laid my sweet slave on the cool sheets, kissing her gently and telling her to rest while I fixed her something to eat. I then fixed a nice chef's salad for us both and served her the salad and a glass of white wine in bed. After we had eaten I told her I wanted her to take a short nap while I attended to the preperations for the rest of her evening. She was asleep in less than five minutes, and taking the piece of paper from my wallet on which she had written her phone number, I called my new friend Donna. This was going to be a day to remember. Once in the living room Monica was placed in a straight chair in the middle of the room and her ankles were bound to the back legs of the chair. Her hands were tied behind the back of the chair and she found herself bound and naked with her legs open and her cunt and tits exposed. Cheryl bent down and kissed Monica warmly on the mouth, her tongue slipping between her lips to tease and touch her own hungry tongue. She then explained to Monica that they were going to observe her for a while before allowing her to eat them, and slowly Monica became aware that others were entering the room. To Be Continued...