Industrial Killers Hint file 0.) You appear in the outdoor level. Use the KEYPAD arrow keys to move. THis is much better than using the regular arrow keys, because the 1 and 3 strafe, and the 0 jumps. Plus on some computers the regular arrow keys have less rollover. If you want to cheat, use Alt-G to go into god mode. If you need to walk through walls, hold down the 'k' key while walking. 1.) Go towards the southwest corner and find the cage with dead guy. Use the 'i' key to pick up the green key by reaching through the bars, and find the machine gun just laying on the ground. You don't have to do anything special to reach through the bars. 2.) Go to the north east corner to find the health packs and machine gun ammo. You can also check out the low roofless building to get some grenades. 3.) Go to the north west corner to the little building with the stairs down. Go down. 4.) Don't shoot the guy on the left, he has something useful to say. Walk close to him, and he will speak. 5.) Jump down into the cargo room. You will need to jump on top of the crates, and get onto the highest one, and then bump that switch. You should here a 'click', and see it go from on to off. This turns off the security grid on the lower level. You jump onto the red box, then the singe brown one, then the lower brown one of the stack, then back to the green ones against the wall, and finally to the top brown box. Jump by holding down the 'j' key or the keypad '0' key. You should be using the keypad keys, so use the keypad '0' key with your thumb. Hold down the jump key until your jump meter is maxed out. Then release while moving forward. If you just can't hack the jumping, you can cheat by holding the 'k' down while walking through the side of the box. You will be snapped up. 6.) You'll have to figure out how to avoid the fire. Be ready for a friendly greeting! 7.) You really need the shotgun to deal with the green guard guys, because they have bullet proof vests. So you need to head left and go into that green door. To open doors, just bump into it. If you don't have a key, it won't open. Sometimes you can open doors with grenades, and sometimes you can't. Go to the back section in the corner to get the shotgun, which is sitting on the floor. It is pretty hard to see. 8.) The shotgun is great at close range. Watch out for the blue boss guys. Those dudes for some reason are much more suseptable to machine gun bullets, so when you come across them, do a quick '4' key to pull up the machine gun. If you can knock off a shot before they see you it is easier to drop them. 9.) When you get to the large room with the two blue guys, and green guys in all the nooks and crannies, look for the inset wall panel on the north end. It is a secret door. Just bump into it to open it. 10.) The is another secret door that is rust colored in the southerly direction. There isn't a whole lot of booty in there, though. 11.) Just follow the chandeliers. 12.) You'll find a few green doors that need red keys. Gotta get the red key. To do that, you need to keep running around and find the grey/green textured door that looks kind of like a wall. Keep looking for the staircase. It might be a little tricky to find the passage that leads there, but it is in the vacinity of those red-key doors. 13.) Then you up to a large room with nothing in it. Don't pick up the red key right away. Go past it, and over to the cache of health packs and pick up the rocket launcher. Get ready with the 'i' key, and zip over the key and pick it up. Another cache opens up, as well as a fire storm of baddies. Get into that little cache and pick up all the health and rockets you can. Don't try a frontal assault on the baddies. Just try to get out of their line of sight, and pop out for quick launches. Sometimes the last few are hard to kill. If there is only one or two left, the shotgun can dispatch them with enough shots at close range. Warning don't use the rocket launcher in tight quarters. The rocket explosion will kill you if you fire at a close wall. 14.) Go to the staircase up north. Find your way to the little orange hexagonal room with the stairs in it. ( save your game here ) 15.) Now you are in the bottom level. The security gate should be down, and you can walk out into the dark area. You need to find three keys, and you will need to find the ammo/health rooms. One is on the west side, tucked into a corner. THe other is on the north east side. Then you have to go into the brown maze of death to find the two keys besides the red keycard that is between some pillars. The maze of death is difficult, as you will find out. After that, Find the door that leads to the Foozle.