Hi folks, DM-4UCSFreakZ-Aztec-BETA is not a final version. It is a BETA version. My son plays Counter-Strike everyday religiously, so I decided to remake his favorite CS map (de-aztec) so he'd feel at home when I kill him in UT2003. I remade the textures from scratch for higher quality and resolution. Although, the gold box textures are filtered/processed for higher resolution from the originals due to the amount of "art/detail" -- unable to recreate from scratch. I'm also using detail textures against the main textures. Architecturally, I tried to stay as close as possible to the original. This was all done by my eyes, so I could be off on a couple of spots. It's basically done, but I'm waiting for the next UnrealEd patch to fix a couple of things I need so I can polish it off. Thanks for play-testing this thing for me. Please email me any problems you find in the map at teddabod@funrealtournament2003.com. Check http://www.funrealtournament2003.com for future news about a final version of this map. Credits: Remake UT2003 Mapper (DM-4UCSFreakZ-Aztec): Teddie Tapawan of www.funrealtournament2003.com. Original Half-Life/CS Mapper (de-aztec): Chris Auty of counter-strike.net. Please do not modify this zip file or its contents. This zip file contains: README.txt (this file you're reading) DM-4UCSFreakZ-Aztec_BETA.jpg (a screen shot of the map) DM-4UCSFreakZ-Aztec_BETA.ut2 (the map file -- this goes in the Maps directory of your UT2003 installation) Enjoy, Teddie "teddabod" Tapawan www.funrealtournament2003.com