UT2004RPG v1.0 Mutator for UT2004 Created by Mysterial (mysterial@comcast.net) Special thanks to: Erik: artifact models and skins Lordtarac a.k.a John Malm: UT2004RPG website [LIMB]LightBringer and all the players on his server: testing beta releases 3/22/04 To install the .ut2mod version, open UT2004RPG.ut2mod, which should open the UT2004 installer. To install the manual .zip version, extract it to your UT2004\System folder. By default that's C:\UT2004\System. This mutator adds a persistent levelup system to UT2004. Frags will give you EXP towards a levelup. After a levelup, you get a (configurable) number of points to use on statistics such as weapon speed, health, adrenaline, and damage modifiers, as well as special abilities. Bonus EXP is given for killing players of higher level than you, multikills, sprees, winning a match, and (in properly setup gametypes) scoring game objectives. Everything is saved to .ini and reloaded in future games when that player joins. The stats are Weapon Speed (%), Starting Health, Max Adrenaline, Damage Bonus (%), Damage Reduction (%), and Max Ammo. There are also 21 special abilities (it may be possible to download more from the Internet) Bots are supported and will choose certain stats more than others depending on their tendencies (e.g. aggressive bots choose attack-oriented stats most often). They will go for abilities sometimes too. As if all this wasn't enough, UT2004RPG features magical weapons and artifacts. Any weapon you pick up has a chance of being magical and having special modifiers, such as increased damage. Additionally, artifacts are special pickups placed randomly throughout the level which can be activated to give an ability or bonus. Artifacts consume your Adrenaline when in use. Online play is fully supported. Player data is protected by unique PlayerID (tied to CD keys) so data stealing and/or impersonation won't happen. If you use this mutator with Invasion, EXP gained for kills of monsters is equal to the number of points you get for killing them. Monsters are given a level equal to the Wave times two, and all their points are always evenly distributed between Damage Bonus and Damage Reduction. Vehicles are fully supported. They will take on the advantages of your stats when you enter them. In Assault, unmanned turrets that fire back (for example, the turrets in AS-Mothership) are given a level equal to the lowest level player in the game. There is a configuration menu for UT2004RPG where you can change many game settings. To access it, go to the Mutator tab, add UT2004RPG to your mutator list, and click the Configure Mutator button. Hover your mouse over any option to get detailed information about what it does. The source to the abilities, magic weapons, and artifacts has been included in UT2004\UT2004RPG\Classes\ so coders can make their own. All you need to do is create a package with your new ability classes and then add the class names to the bottom of UT2004RPG.ini like has been done for the included abilities. FAQ Q: What's the max level? Max stats? -OR- Q: UT2004RPG.ini only contains info for 18 levels in the .ini! Is the max level that low? A: UT2004RPG has no max level or max stat limit. You can go as high as you want. In the .ini, all levels above the highest level listed will require the EXP for that highest level listed. Q: Why don't I get EXP for scoring in CTF, Double Domination, or Bombing Run? A: UT2004RPG requires gametypes to use the ScoreObjective() function in order for it to be able to detect scoring events. Unfortunately, CTF, DDOM, and BR were not coded to use that function. Onslaught and Assault do, and so may custom gametypes. Q: Do players get EXP for teamkills? A: No. Q: All of the abilities say "Can't Buy"! WTF? A: The abilities have requirements, such as being above a certain level or a stat being above a certain number. You can find out any requirements an ability has by clicking the Info button. Q: I get hitches while playing with UT2004RPG that I don't get when playing the standard game. A: This is probably caused by autosaving, since it writes to disk. You can try turning autosaving off (set it to 0), but be warned that if you have autosaving off, exiting UT2004 directly from the midgame menu will not save data. This is a UT2004 bug. When autosaving is off always quit to the main menu first, then quit the game from there. Q: Can I use my save data from UT2003RPG with UT2004RPG? A: Sorry, no. UT2004RPG saves data differently. The new way is faster and more extendable, but it is not compatible with the old version. KNOWN ISSUES: -When you hit someone with a Penetrating weapon, it may appear to spawn two beams, one that hits the target and one that goes through it. It may also appear that the two beams' aims are different. This is a bug in the xEmitter system DE used for most of the weapon effects. Regardless of how it looks, your weapon is always firing exactly where it's supposed to. -A couple of the options in the mutator configuration menu require the first UT2004 patch to be editable. You can find the latest version of UT2003RPG and the rest of my mods at http://www.error691.com/mysterial/UTMods.htm Feel free to discuss this mod on my forums at http://www.error691.com/mysterial/cgi-bin/forum/index.php or email me. MAGIC WEAPON LIST: -Damage: A weapon with no text, only a + rating (e.g. "Rocket Launcher +3") does 10% more damage for each + (so a Bio Rifle +3 is 30% more damage) -Protection: you take 10% less damage for each + while holding this weapon. -Force: Projectiles shot by this weapon are 20% faster for each + -Piercing: Damage from this weapon ignores shields -Penetrating: Hitscan shots fired by this weapon go through any players they hit (like the zoom instagib beam does) -Infinity: This weapon has infinite ammo -Sturdy: Enemy fire can't push you around while holding this weapon -Luck: While holding this weapon, fortune smiles upon you. Useful pickups seem to materialize out of thin air in front of you! -Misfortune: You aren't so lucky with this weapon. For some reason, pickups seem to spontaneously combust right before you get to them -Poison: This weapon poisons those hit with it, causing additional damage to them over time -Energy/Draining: This weapon gives/takes adrenaline equal to 2% of the damage caused by it for each +/- ARTIFACT LIST: (By default, press the bracket keys to switch artifacts and U to use one. Artifacts consume adrenaline while in use) -Globe of Invulnerability: God mode on command. But watch out - it uses your adrenaline fast! -Triple Damage: This fabled artifact is the big brother to the double damage -Boots of Flight: Fly, fly away! -Lightning Rod: This artifact will strike at your enemies with weak but fast firing lightning bolts so long as they are in your sight. The amount of adrenaline used is proportional to the number of targets in range -Teleporter: This cousin to the translocator will warp you to a random point -Summoning Charm: This artifact will summon a monster to aid you. It will follow you around and attack any enemies it sees. The amount of adrenaline used depends on the monster summoned (which is chosen at random) Changes from UT2003RPG v4.0 -Fixed exchanged fire modes weapon setting not working on magic weapons -Fixed Denial level 2 not working properly with the minigun if Magical Starting Weapons option was on -Fixed Damage magic weapon (those with only a plus/minus rating) changing the weapon's damage by the wrong amount -Fixed RW_Infinity Accessed None -Fixed Weapons of Evil's PIC having broken zoom if it was magical -Fixed infinite recursion crashes with Arena mutator and Mutant gametype -Fixed Rocket Launcher couldn't do homing if it was magical -Fixed Cautiousness ability could heal you in an instant action game if you were playing at a low bot skill level -Summoning Charm limited to 4 simultaneous monsters -Artifacts now display a message when you try to use one without sufficient Adrenaline -EXP is now awarded for First Blood -Fixed some hacks that are no longer necessary due to changes from UT2003 to UT2004 -Bonus experience from multikills is now capped to 100 per kill -Weapon Speed stat capped to 1000 by default for performance reasons -Damage Bonus and Damage Reduction now only give 0.5% per point instead of 1% per point -Adjusted experience table to account for the additional EXP bonuses that are now available