ReadMe for Templus Sanctuary for Unreal Tournament 2k4 ------------------------------------------------------ Title: Templus Sanctuary Filename: BR-Templus.ut2 Author: Jos 'Souldividersjosz' Hendriks eMail Address: Website URL: Release Date: Last Update: Version: 1.0 Credits: This is the most important section of the readme. First off, an enormous amount of credits to my fellow mapper Carson 'Dregs' Smith for his dedication. For this map Carson made custom sounds, custom static meshes, custom textures and some amazing changes to the atmosphere, like wind sounds and falling sand. Although I am primarely the author of this map, Carson should be awarded co-authority for his enormous effort. Again, thanks Carson for being such a big help. Secondly I wanted to thank Jan 'Aquablue' Vos, for helping me with the terrain-editing, which I learned to do during the creation of this map. Also credits to the review team of Insite, for being patient enough to wait with reviewing BR-Templus for UT2k3. Furthermore I would like to thank all BETA-testers that helped making this map as bugfree as possible. Amongst them -> Carson 'Dregs' Smith, my little brother Rik, online known as ->)SLICE(<-, Robbert Beentjes, online known as ->)CHILD(<-, Joran Damsteegt, online known as ->)DJJD(<-, )SJOSZ(<-. The author of ONS-Pipeline receives some credits as well, for the inspiring skybox he used in his map. Also some credits to WhiteDevil for the creepy skull Static mesh. Lastly (corny, I know) I wanted to thank everyone that helped making UT2004 to be the awesome game it is. Shame on me for forgetting anyone else! Other levels by author: DM-1on1Frenzy (UT2k3), BR-Templus (UT2k3) ==================================================================================== Play Information ---------------- Game: Unreal Tournament 2k4 Level Name: Templus Sanctuary Game Type: Bombing Run Botmatch: Yes Single Player: No Teamplay: Yes New Textures: Yes New Sounds: Yes New Music: Yes New Mutators: No Mods: None ==================================================================================== Construction ------------ Base: I based the map on popular intense maps like BR-Thorns and BR-Flarized, but wanted to add some more detail Build Time: 100 hours Ideal Playercount: 4-8 Editor(s) Used: UnrealEd 3.0, 3dsMax 5.0 Known Bugs: None so far, I'd be happy to fix anything you find. ==================================================================================== Installation ------------ Unzip BR-Templus.ut2. Store the *.unr or *.ut2 file in your Maps\ directory along with the others (see guide below), then either doubleclick on it, or type open Templus Sanctuary in the console, or select the Map in a Botmatch or an Internet game. Guide: *.unr and *.ut2 files go in Maps\ *.utx files go in Textures\ *.umx and *.ogg files go in Music\ *.uax files go in Sounds\ *.u, *.int, and *.ini files go in System\ *.usx files go in staticmeshes\ *.ukx files go in animations\ *.ka files go in karma\ *.upx files go in prefabs\ ==================================================================================== Extended Description -------------------- This is an official revision of BR-Templus for UT2003. I decided to do this when a small notice of someone at Nalicity made me look into the map again. That's when I was flooded with little errors and stuff so I decided to fix it. Carson Smith helped me very much, which made my map rock more than I had imagined it would. Hope you like it all. Level-description: Caught in an everlasting and vicious sandstorm this small shrine first served as refuge for the wicked, banned from civilised existence to live out the rest of their lives of sin in exile. After centuries of offering shelter to the filth of society this ancient and defiled sanctuary has withstood the decay and corrosion of the sands of time. find glory or death in Templus... ==================================================================================== Author's Notes -------------- A little notice to some of the players and other mappers. Although it is a very small detail that will probably not be noticed by anyone, it still deserves being mentioned. In this map I used a few textures that partly make use of a cubemap (reflecting surface). Originally these textures reflected the inside of one of the towers in CTF-Face3, but with help of Carson I changed that to a nice and shiny goldshader (although the person who made DOM-Aswan figured that wasn't neccesary). Anyone who reads this now knows the smallest detail of this map. Needless to say I hope that this map will inspire anyone who plays it to spend some time commenting on this map on the various Unreal Tournament websites, such as Nalicity, Unreal Playground, Mapraider and UTMR2003 (although this is an UT2k4 map lol) or write me an e-mail with your thoughts on my map, I assure you I will personally react to all of them (unless I get more than 1000 e-mails after writing this) ==================================================================================== Copyright / Permissions ----------------------- This level is copyright 2004, by Jos 'Souldividersjosz' Hendriks. Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels without explicit permission from the Original Author. You are NOT allowed to commercially exploit this level, i.e. put it on a CD or any other electronic medium that is sold for money without my explicit permission! You MAY distribute this level through any electronic network (internet (web/ftp), FIDO, local BBS etc.), provided you include this file and leave the archive intact. UnrealŪ Tournament 2004 (c)2004 Epic Megagames, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Unreal and the Unreal logo are registered trademarks of Epic Megagames, Inc. All other trademarks and trade names are properties of their respective owners. ==================================================================================== ==================================================================================== ReadMe created by NC3's ReadMe Generator.