============================================= Title: DM-1on1-Neivm Release Date: 6th June, 2004 Author: Graeme "darth weasel" Hutton E-Mail: graeme.hutton@btconnect.com Website: http://darth-weasel.tripod.com ============================================= Description/Notes: Some random techey industrial 3 level place to fight in. I play it with 2 players but it'll be fine with up to 4. The map uses all my own meshes, for better or (more likely) worse. Better that throwing in epics i guess. Oh, 'Neivm'is said like the name Neve. ============================================= Other levels by me: For UT1: DM-Ochre CTF-Osmosis DM-1on1-Crimson DM-MetalCore DM-Dillinger Some older even crappier ones too. These are all up on the site above. Upcoming stuff: Mapping for the Red Nemesis single-player mod 7-Bullets. ============================================= Installation: .ut2 file goes in /Maps subdirectory =============================================