Doom 3 mini-mod "Chaingun fix" Author: BMSMCMAM Time to make: About 3 minutes of simple editing and testing New sounds, models, textures,etc.?: No. Contact Author: (No porn subscriptions plz, kthxbye) Description: Ah, the Doom 3 chaingun. 60 shots, very accurate, and 20 damage per shot. Exactly the way any real-life chaingun should act, right? No. This simple little .pk4 file fixes all that. The clip size has been changed from 60 shots to 300. Damage has been cut to one-fifth. Barrel acceleration and deacceleration raised slightly. 2 shots come out for each point of ammo. Spread (firing cone) raised from 5 to 14. And some other little fixesand tweaks (probably some wierd things I edited just to test out what they did). Also, this should be a bit more balanced with other weapons than the regular chaingun. Although the clip size is much, much bigger, the decreased accuracy and damage make up for it. Installation: Simple enough, all you do is copy the "pak005.pk4" file into the "base" folder of your Doom 3 directory, by default C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base. If you have another file of the same name there, just rename it "pak006.pk4". Notes: If you decide to put this in a mod pack or part of a bigger modification, I have no objection. Just make sure everything is in working order before you release it (I haven't taken much time to crash test it).