IMPORTANT: BUY Doom3.. ! German: -32 Spieler MP -Einfach zu connecten -coop modus -gui fix (es werden rechts 32spieler angezeigt im scoreboard jedoch nur die 4 besten) -unterstützt die privateserver exe und die originale doom3.exe Installation: Beide FIles in den Doom3 Hauptordner und "Doom3.Connecttool.exe" starten. English: -32 Player MP -Easy to connect -coop modus -gui fix (on the rightside you see 32players... not only 4) -support the original doom3.exe and the privateserver exe Installation: Copy both files in you Doom3 Mainfolder and start "Doom3.Connecttool.exe". Upcoming: -playable monsters -scoreboard fix -ctf (perhaps :)) Changelog: 0.3 -default port now hard codet -gui fix -coop modus -support the original doom3.exe and the privateserver exe 0.2 -you can create a server upto 32player 0.1 -easy connect -mp upto 32 player Contact: #bi0 on Updates: WHY does i use c and not other shit ? c>all k?