================================================================ Title : Retroactive Date : October 2004 Author : Rich "swelt" Jacques Email Address : swelt@cpma.org.uk Website : http://www.swelt.nildram.co.uk Description : Deathmatch map for DooM III ================================================================ - Play Information - : Extract map_swd3dm3.pk4 from the zip into doom3/base folder. : Start a multiplayer game through the menu or find a server : running the map. - Level Information - Game type : 1v1, 2v2, ffa Single Player : N/A Player load : 1v1, 2 - 4 Weapons : Stuff : 2xArmour, (Berserk). Two versions, one with berserk, one without (swd3dm3a) - Construction - Editors used : Doom3 Utilities used : Editpad - Notes - This is my third map for Doom3 and is a brand new layout. The architecture is heavily inspired by DM6 from QW, but I don't think the layout will be make it play anything like it. - Credits - : id Software for Quake, Quake 2, Quake 3, Doom3 http://www.idsoftware.com : Everyone who has given me feedback : Everyone who has played this level, cheers! - Links - CPMA Homepage http://www.promode.org CPMA.org.uk http://www.cpma.org.uk - Copyright / Permissions - You may not include or distribute this map in any sort of commercial product without permission from the author. You may not mass distribute this level via any non-electronic means, including but not limited to compact disks, and floppy disks without permission from the author.