*********************************************************** Interconcept 2169 *********************************************************** by JVT INSTAL: deluxo.txd & deluxo.dff replaced to the ...\models\gta3.img ...data/defaul.ide 211, deluxo, deluxo, car, DELUXO, DELUXO, null, ignore, 10, 6, 2ff0, 249, 0.79 ..data/handlinch.cfg DELUXO 900.0 2.2 4.9 1.7 0.0 0.0 0.2 75 0.80 0.85 0.52 5 200.0 26.0 4 P 10.0 0.53 0 30.0 2.25 0.16 0.28 0.52 35000 0.27 -0.16 0.5 0.35 8182 0 1 ..data/carcols.dat deluxo, 1,1, 3,3, 6,6, 46,46, 0,0, 2,2 !!!You you must-have installed DMAGIC1 wheel mod v.3, unless you have, is in components no wheel!!! INFO: polygon's: 18879 vercites: 12451 Time to make : 2 day's number color's: 24/32bit CREDITS: JVT jvt@centrum.cz idealcity.scorpions.cz ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You usage-if this mod so everything at one's own risk, this mod was testing but only on my PC, so it is possible that on your PC can do problems! So you warning that that mod usage entirely only on our hazard! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you to: Nietzko, TheStorm, SAMARA, KillerKip, Mista G, Skyliner32, Sieben DX, Killer JAG, BESEN, Daniel, LauLau, Flyonfire, Blear, CheetahT & Scorpions TEAM. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------NO ONE CAN CHANGE,CONVERT OR USE PART OF THIS CAR WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!!!------------- If you want me anything write so e-mail make the bed like, in object e-e-mail must be GTA VC and you mustn't send no appendices and screech in English, in Czech or in German, otherwise on yours e-mail not have to be write-off! (c)2004 JVT. All Rights Reserved.