Rules of the game The table is divided into two equal courts its middle by a vertical net running parallel with the table end lines. The players stand at each end of the table, each one is geared with a racket and must return the ball while making it rebound solely on the court of the opposite player. Service: each player serves twice at its turn. The player who serves, projects the ball vertically upwards and then strikes it so that it hits the server's court once and passes over the net and touch once the opponent's court. Gain of the Game: When a player misses the ball or let the balls touch the court more than once, his/her adversary scores a point. The game is won when a player reaches the score of 11, or 21 (an option in the menu « Play options » permits to choose the maximum score). In case of equality at 10 (or 20) the game continues until there is a 2 points difference of score between the 2 players. In this part of the game, each player serves only one ball. Net: The ball can touch the net during the game and is good so long the ball passes the net and touches the opposite court. Registering to replay in slow motion The registering process of the rally is activated when the ball touches the net and is not stopped but passes to the other side, or when the ball touches lightly the side lines of the table or when the F2 registration key is pressed down. As soon as the ball is lost, the rally will be replayed in slow-motion. How to Serve When it is your turn to serve, press the left button of the mouse. The ball is launched in the air and is hit automatically by the racket when falling. While the ball is in air, a cross displayed on the table indicates the assessed impact of the ball and it is possible to adjust the angle of the paddle with the arrowed keys. How to return the ball Arcade mode: To position the racket, use the arrowed keys. The racket is automatically set in height. The return of the ball occurs according to the position of the ball on the blade of the racket: more distant is the ball from the center of the blade, and more the angle of return is important. Strength of return of the ball: - No button = normal strength - Left button = very strong - Right button = mildly strong Normal mode: To position the racket, use the arrowed keys. The racket is automatically set in height. The racket must be positioned where you assess that the ball will come, then you must keep one button pressed to lock the position and modify the orientation of the racket with either the arrowed keys or with the mouse according the type of control that has been selected. While the button is pushed to orient the racket, the racket is going to move mildly horizontally in direction of the ball. Strength of the ball: - No button = normal strength - Left button = very strong - Right button = mildly strong Expert mode: The expert mode rules are the same as the normal mode, except that the racket is not going to move in direction of the ball while a mouse button is pressed down (to modify the racket orientation). Useful keystrokes during the game. F2: to launch the camera to register the rally for slow motion display. F6: to change the angle of the camera for the player 1 F7: in: change the angle of the camera for the player 2 F8: Activates or deactivates the windowed mode: 3 modes are possible: two vertical windows, two horizontal windows, one window. Tab: in the windowing mode: this key toggles the order of the views. F9: to save a screen capture. ESC: displays the menu. How to control the camera with the mouse CTRL + Left Button: Move the camera with the mouse CTRL + Right button + more or less vertical move or Mouse Scroll Wheel: Zoom with the camera Useful Keys to control the racket: Keyboard 1 Mode: Move Up = UP Arrow Move Down = DOWN Arrow Move Left = LEFT Arrow Move Right = RIGHT Arrow Button 1 = INSER Button 2 = SUPPR Keyboard 2 mode: Up = Z Down = S Left = Q Right = D Button 1 = 1 Button 2 = 2 Mouse mode: Button 1 = left button Button 2 = right button Gamepad mode: Direction + buttons 1 and 2