N v1.3 copyright (c) 2004 by Metanet Software Inc. Raigan Burns / Mare Sheppard metanet at harveycartel dot org N readme - table of contents 1. Before you Begin 2. New in v1.3 3. Tips and Gameplay 4. Custom Levels 5. Updates, News and More Information -------------------- Section One: Before you Begin ------------------------------ Please read the included license agreement "license.txt". N is freeware, and is freely distributable as long as the archive remains intact. --- Please set your monitor to 1024x768 resolution; For optimal performance, close all background tasks. You will notice a slight improvement in performance if the mouse cursor is _not_ over the window in which N is playing. -------------------- Section Two: New in v1.3 ------------------------------ -= ONLINE HIGHSCORES =- Online highscores are here! During play, N adds best scores to your Personal Best system. If you have the online highscore system active (see the [configure] menu) your scores will be automatically submitted to the online highscores database. Use the [configure] menu to register a username and password for the online system. If you haven't got a permanent internet connection (i.e dial-up), or if N isn't submitting your highscores to the online system properly (which sometimes happens due to lost packets and server usage), you can have N automatically submit your personal bests by clicking the "submit" button in the highscore menu. Online highscore are accessible outside of the game at: http://www.harveycartel.org/metanet/n_highscores_e.php -= BOSS MODE =- for those of you who play at work, or if you want to keep N running in the background (without hogging the CPU), the new "boss mode" feature is a must! you can select a key to activate this mode in the [configure] menu; the default is the [ctrl] key. -= UNLOCKABLE SECRET =- only the most speedy and greedy of ninjas will be able to unlock the new secret, but it will be well worth the effort. -------------------- Section Three: Tips and Gameplay ---------------------------- For information on rules, how to play, etc., view the In-game help and story sections (accessible from the main menu) Check it out! There are a lot of different moves to master. --- You can configure custom keys via the main menu. The default keys are: [left and right arrows]: accelerate left/right [shift] or [z]: jump (hold key down for higher jump) [k]: kill yourself (useful if you get stuck or trapped, or just for fun) [p]: pause game/quit to main menu [ctrl]: boss mode --- Learning to control the ninja may take some time, but almost any maneuver is possible given enough skill. And practice ;) --- Read editor_manual.doc or .txt to find out how to make your own levels. --- enjoy! -------------------- Section Four: Custom Levels ------------------------------ Nick Johnson has created NUMA, the N User Map Archive here: http://numa.notdot.net/ You can download maps created by other N users, and upload maps of your own. You can also visit our forum for maps and discussion: http://metanet.forumer.com -------------------- Section Five: Updates, News and More Information ------------ comments/bug reports/etc: n at harveycartel dot org updates and news about N can be found at: http://www.harveycartel.org/metanet/ and at our forum: http://metanet.forumer.com Visit the forum for support with bugs and other issues! --------------------------------------------------- (c) 2004 Metanet Software Inc. (Raigan Burns / Mare Sheppard)