N v1.3 Copyright (c) 2004 by Raigan Burns / Mare Sheppard metanet@harveycartel.org BY COPYING, USING OR DISTRIBUTING "N", YOU INDICATE YOUR AGREEMENT TO THIS LICENSE =============================================================== LICENSE: Raigan Burns and Mare Sheppard own and reserve the exclusive right to distribute "N" except as noted below. Its content is the property of Raigan Burns and Mare Sheppard to the extent permitted by law. Raigan Burns and Mare Sheppard grants a non-exclusive, non-transferable, royalty-free license to distribute "N" only as follows: Individuals are encouraged to share and give copies of "N" to friends, family, coworkers, and members of any not-for-profit organization, but only without charge and without ADVERTISING ACCOMPANYING ITS DISTRIBUTION. That is: you may NOT distribute N for money. This includes money made from any location or source where there exists advertising, or other product endorsements of any kind without prior consent of the authors, Raigan Burns and Mare Sheppard. These grants are subject to the conditions that no copyright information or trademark will be added or removed, and all of "N"'s files as released by Raigan Burns and Mare Sheppard will be included without modification. =============================================================== LIMITED WARRANTY AND LIMITATION OF REMEDIES: "N" is provided "AS-IS", and no warranty of any kind are made as to it or any medium it may be on. Except as explicitly permitted herein, you will not modify "N". Except to the extent, if any, applicable law may require otherwise, you will not decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer "N", or use or disclose any confidential information that it contains.