About this game =============== Enigma is a tribute to and a re-implementation of one of the most original and intriguing computer games of the 1990's: Oxyd. Your objective is easily explained: find and uncover all pairs of identical Oxyd stones in each landscape. Sounds simple? It would be, if it weren't for hidden traps, vast mazes, insurmountable obstacles and innumerable puzzles blocking your direct way to the Oxyd stones... Enigma is not nearly finished and help is always appreciated. If you enjoy programming, painting, recording sound effects, or designing levels, you can always join our developers' mailing list at http://mail.nongnu.org/mailman/listinfo/enigma-devel You do not need to be subscribed to send emails to the list, simply mail to enigma-devel@nongnu.org The official Enigma homepage can be found at http://www.nongnu.org/enigma/ If you have any questions, suggestions, or contributions, feel free to send email to the mailing list or to my personal address below. Have fun! Daniel Heck Playing Enigma ============== Please refer to the user manual for instructions on how to play Enigma. Installation ============ Installation on Windows and MacOS X is straightforward: Simply download the appropriate .exe or .dmg file and start it with a double click. Things get a little more complicated for other operating systems, please refer to Enigma's download page http://www.nongnu.org/enigma/download.html for up-to-date information. If you are running some kind Unix system, you have always the option of compiling Enigma yourself; this is explained in the next section. There may or may not be binaries for your Linux distribution of choice, and they may or may not work on your computer. This is not our fault: packaging a Linux version that works everywhere is almost impossible--please ask you vendor to make their distribution more compatible if this bugs you. Compiling Enigma ================ If you want to compile Enigma from source, you must have the following programs and libraries installed * A C++ compiler GNU C++ 2.95 and 3.3 are officially supported, older versions won't work. If you use another C++ compiler, your mileage may vary. Intel C++ used to work, but we haven't tested it in a long time. * SDL >= 1.2 (www.libsdl.org) * SDL_mixer >= 1.2.4 (http://www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_mixer) * SDL_image >= 1.2.0 (http://www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_image) These should already come with most reasonably up-to-date Linux distributions. If you don't have them on your system, please download and install them before trying to build Enigma. Installation should now be as easy as typing ./configure && make && make install in the enigma directory. Copying ======= This game is free software. You may copy and modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 2 or, at your option, any later version. For details, please refer to the accompanying COPYING.GPL file. To my best knowledge the included sound effects are either in the public domain or freely distributable. I wasn't able to pin down the exact origin of each sound file -- the copyrights of which I am aware are collected in sound/README. Please refer to this list before using the samples in your productions.