Installing ZLIB1.DLL ==================== Copy ZLIB1.DLL to the SYSTEM or the SYSTEM32 directory. Using ZLIB1.DLL with Microsoft Visual C++ ========================================= 1. Install the supplied header files "zlib.h" and "zconf.h" into a directory found in the INCLUDE path list. 2. Install the supplied library files "zdll.exp" and "zdll.lib" into a directory found in the LIB path list. 3. Add "zdll.exp" or "zdll.lib" to your project. Using ZLIB1.DLL with Borland C++ ================================ 1. Install the supplied header files "zlib.h" and "zconf.h" into a directory found in the INCLUDE path list. 2. Build the import library using the IMPLIB tool: implib -a -c -f lib\zdllbor.lib zlib1.dll OR 2' Convert the supplied library file "zdll.lib" to OMF format, using the COFF2OMF tool: coff2omf lib\zdll.lib lib\zdllbor.lib 3. Install "zdllbor.lib" into a directory found in the LIB path list. 4. Add "zdllbor.lib" to your project. Note: The modules that are linked with "zdllbor.lib" must be compiled using a 4-byte alignment (option -a): bcc32 -a -c myprog.c bcc32 myprog.obj zdllbor.lib Using ZLIB1.DLL with gcc/MinGW ============================== 1. Install the supplied header files "zlib.h" and "zconf.h" into the INCLUDE directory. 2. Build the import library from the supplied "zlib.def": dlltool -D zlib1.dll -d lib/zlib.def -l lib/libzdll.a OR 2' Copy the supplied library file "zdll.lib" to "libzdll.a": cp lib/zdll.lib lib/libzdll.a 3. Install "libzdll.a" into the LIB directory. 4. Add "libzdll.a" to your project, or use the -lzdll option. Using ZLIB1.DLL with gcc/Cygwin =============================== ZLIB1.DLL is not designed to work with Cygwin. The Cygwin system has its own DLL build of zlib, named CYGZ.DLL. Rebuilding ZLIB1.DLL ==================== Depending on your build environment, use the appropriate makefile from the win32/ directory, found in the zlib source distribution. Your custom build has to comply with the requirements stated in DLL_FAQ.txt, including (but not limited to) the following: - It must be built from an unaltered zlib source distribution. - The macros that compile out certain portions of the zlib code (such as NO_GZCOMPRESS, NO_GZIP) must not be enabled. - The ZLIB_WINAPI macro must not be enabled. - It must be linked to MSVCRT.DLL. Furthermore, it has to run successfully with the test suite found in this package. It is recommended, however, to use the supplied ZLIB1.DLL, instead of rebuilding it yourself. You should rebuild it only if you have a special reason.