101 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1111 Matrox Display Driver Setup 1112 Installation isn't complete. If you cancel the installation, your display software may not work properly.\n\nAre you sure you want to cancel the installation? 1113 < &Back 1114 &Next > 1115 Cancel 1116 &Finish 1119 Language selected: 1120 Devices selected: 1121 (%d devices) 1122 Default quality and performance settings will be restored. 1123 Installation canceled. Your display software may not work properly. To install properly, run this setup program again. 1124 Installation failed. Try restarting your system before running the setup program again. Also, be sure to follow the installation procedure of your Matrox graphics card manual. 1125 This software doesn't detect any Matrox graphics hardware in your computer.\n\nMake sure your Matrox graphics hardware is properly installed. 1126 Listed below are devices this software has detected in your computer. 1127 Default PowerDesk settings will be restored. 1128 Unknown Matrox Device 1129 Extra DualHead Multi-Display support 1150 Installing... 1151 Done 1152 Failed 1153 Canceled 1154 1 analog computer monitor 1155 2 analog computer monitors 1156 3 analog computer monitors 1157 1 digital (flat panel) monitor 1158 2 digital (flat panel) monitors 1159 1 digital (flat panel) monitor and 1 analog computer monitor 1160 1 digital (flat panel) monitor and 2 analog computer monitors 1161 1 analog monitor and a TV 1162 1 digital (flat panel) monitor and a TV 1163 2 analog computer monitors and a TV 1164 1 digital (flat panel) monitor, 1 analog computer monitor, and a TV 1165 (1) Connect your DVI-to-HD15 adapter to the main ("A") connector on your Matrox graphics card. \n \n(2) Connect your analog computer monitor to this adapter. 1166 (1) Connect your DVI-to-HD15 adapter to the main ("A") connector on your Matrox graphics card. \n \n(2) Connect your preferred analog computer monitor to this adapter. \n \n(3) Connect your dual-monitor cable to the secondary ("B") connector on your Matrox graphics card. \n \n(4) Connect your second analog computer monitor to connector "1" on this cable. 1167 (1) Connect your DVI-to-HD15 adapter to the main ("A") connector on your Matrox graphics card. \n \n(2) Connect your preferred analog computer monitor to this adapter. \n \n(3) Connect your dual-monitor cable to the secondary ("B") connector on your Matrox graphics card. \n \n(4) Connect your second analog computer monitor to connector "1" on this cable. \n \n(5) Connect your third analog computer monitor to connector "2" on this cable. 1168 (1) Connect your digital monitor directly to the main ("A") connector on your Matrox graphics card. 1169 (1) Connect your preferred digital monitor directly to the main ("A") connector on your Matrox graphics card. \n \n(2) Connect your second digital monitor directly to the secondary ("B") connector on your Matrox graphics card. 1170 (1) Connect your preferred monitor to the main ("A") connector on your Matrox graphics card. \n \n(2) Connect your second monitor to the secondary ("B") connector on your Matrox graphics card. \n \nNote: To connect your analog computer monitor, use your DVI-to-HD15 adapter.) 1171 (1) Connect your digital monitor directly to the main ("A") connector on your Matrox graphics card. \n \n(2) Connect your dual-monitor cable to the secondary ("B") connector on your Matrox graphics card. \n \n(3) Connect your first analog computer monitor to connector "1" on this cable. \n \n(4) Connect your second analog computer monitor to connector "2" on this cable. 1172 (1) Connect your DVI-to-HD15 adapter to the main ("A") connector on your Matrox graphics card. \n \n(2) Connect your analog computer monitor to this adapter. \n \n(3) Connect your dual-monitor cable to the secondary ("B") connector on your Matrox graphics card. \n \n(4) Connect your TV output adapter to connector "1" on your dual-monitor cable. \n \n(5) Connect your TV (or video recorder) to the composite video or S-video connector on your TV output adapter. 1173 (1) Connect your digital monitor directly to the main ("A") connector on your Matrox graphics card. \n \n(2) Connect your dual-monitor cable to the secondary ("B") connector on your Matrox graphics card. \n \n(3) Connect your TV output adapter to connector "1" on your dual-monitor cable. \n \n(4) Connect your TV (or video recorder) to the composite video or S-video connector on your TV output adapter. 1174 (1) Connect your DVI-to-HD15 adapter to the main ("A") connector on your Matrox graphics card. \n \n(2) Connect your preferred analog computer monitor to this adapter. \n \n(3) Connect your dual-monitor cable to the secondary ("B") connector on your Matrox graphics card. \n \n(4) Connect your second analog computer monitor to connector "2" on this cable. \n \n(5) Connect your TV output adapter to connector "1" on your dual-monitor cable. \n \n(6) Connect your TV (or video recorder) to the composite video or S-video connector on your TV output adapter. 1175 (1) Connect your digital monitor directly to the main ("A") connector on your Matrox graphics card. \n \n(2) Connect your dual-monitor cable to the secondary ("B") connector on your Matrox graphics card. \n \n(3) Connect your second analog computer monitor to connector "2" on your dual-monitor cable. \n \n(4) Connect your TV output adapter to connector "1" on your dual-monitor cable. \n \n(5) Connect your TV (or video recorder) to the composite video or S-video connector on your TV output adapter. 1176 Use only 1 display for your Windows desktop. 1177 Use 1 display for your Windows desktop and use your second display to view a copy of your first display. 1178 You can select a separate resolution, color palette, and relative virtual position for each display. 1179 Both displays use the same resolution and color palette. 1180 All 3 displays use the same resolution and color palette. 1181 For each display 1182 Display 1 1183 800 x 600 1184 1024 x 768 1185 1152 x 864 1186 1280 x 1024 1187 1600 x 1200 1188 Monitor setup: 1189 1 display 1190 2 displays, Clone mode 1191 2 displays, Independent mode 1192 2 displays, Stretched mode 1193 3 displays, Stretched mode 1194 Multi-display setup: 1195 Center dialog boxes and message boxes: 1196 Center on desktop 1197 Center in parent program window 1198 Center in mouse pointer display 1199 Center in parent program display 1200 Maximize windows: 1201 Across all displays 1202 In the display containing the window 1203 Display resolution: 1204 Resolution 1 1205 Resolution 2 1206 Font size (DPI): 1207 Normal (96 DPI) 1208 Large (120 DPI) 1209 This setup will continue normally, but PowerDesk features won't be available until Microsoft .NET Framework software is installed. To install this software now, make sure "Install Microsoft .NET Framework" is enabled. 1210 Separate resolutions and refresh rates are effectively unavailable while using 2 digital (flat panel) monitors at a time. However, while using 2 digital monitors at a time in "independent" mode, Windows still treats your displays as independent displays, and for each display you can still use separate color palette settings and separate virtual positions.\n\nWith 2 digital monitors, the display with the lowest maximum resolution always determines the maximum resolution of both your displays. If you select a lower Windows resolution for one of your displays, that display may use only a portion of the screen (the rest of the screen will be black). To avoid this, we recommend you select the highest Windows resolution available for your digital monitors. 1211 While using 3 displays at a time, a TV can be used for full-screen PowerDesk-HF features (for example, PureVideo/DVDMax) but can't be part of the Windows desktop. 1212 Note 1213 (1) Connect your DVI-to-HD15 adapter to the main ("A") connector on your Matrox graphics card. \n \n(2) Connect your preferred analog computer monitor to this adapter. \n \n(3) Connect a second DVI-to-HD15 adapter to the secondary ("B") connector on your Matrox graphics card. \n \n(4) Connect your second analog computer monitor to this adapter. 1501 Setup program for Matrox display driver and Matrox PowerDesk software --\n Operating system: Windows %s; Date: %d-%02d-%02d; Time: %d:%02d 1502 Command-line and/or INI switches were recognized. 1503 No switches used. 1504 Installation summary 1505 Miscellaneous 1506 Matrox driver defaults restored. 1507 "[BOOTUP]" section -- switches added 1508 No switches added. 1509 "[REGISTRY]" section -- switches added 1510 "[TV_STANDARDS]" section -- switches added 1511 Specific display mode (%s x %s, %s-bit, %s dpi) applied. 1512 Matrox QuickDesk won't be started when Windows restarts. 1513 Matrox Diagnostic won't be started when Windows restarts. 1514 The following files were explicitly copied: 1515 At %d:%02d, the setup program finished without restarting the computer. 1516 At %d:%02d, the setup was cancelled by the user. 1517 At %d:%02d, the setup program restarted the computer. 1518 No files copied. 1519 Source path: %s\n Destination path: %s 1520 The default destination path is "%s". 1523 Matrox PowerDesk defaults restored.