Matrox PowerDesk-HF > Main interface > Video Playback Settings

Use PureVideo/DVDMax

While playing video in one display, view the same video full-screen on another display.

Note: This control is unavailable while Use video overlay is disabled.

To use this feature, the following conditions must be met: (1) Use PureVideo/DVDMax is enabled. (2) The current display settings (resolution and color palette) aren't too high. (3) Digital video is played using the video overlay feature of your Matrox graphics hardware. Programs that use the video overlay feature include Microsoft Media Player and other programs that use ActiveMovie or DirectX Media.

Note: If no part of your video playback is visible in the video window (for example, the video window is minimized), full-screen video may not be updated on your other display. This is because many programs don't update video if it's not visible in the video window. You can work around this limitation by using a different video player (for example, a Matrox-distributed DVD player). You may also be able to work around this limitation by configuring your video window to be always on top.

Note: Depending on how PowerDesk-HF is configured, this full-screen feature may hide your Windows desktop on a display. Specifically, windows, dialog boxes, your mouse pointer, and other Windows interface items may be hidden while in a display covered by this feature. To make your entire Windows desktop visible again, you can stop the playback of the video or use the Matrox QuickBar toolbar.

See also...