Matrox PowerDesk-HF > Main interface > Monitor and TV adjustments > Adjust visible area and refresh rate

Refresh rate

Change the vertical refresh rate for your monitor. The vertical refresh rate is the number of times your graphics hardware redraws the entire screen in one second, expressed in Hertz (cycles per second). A higher vertical refresh rate results in less noticeable flicker in your display.

WARNING: Incorrect monitor settings may cause some monitors to become unusable. Some monitors can be permanently damaged. For information on the settings your monitor supports, see your monitor documentation.

WARNING: You may be able to select a refresh rate that's supported by the current display mode but not supported by another display mode. In this case, you may not be able to use full-screen programs (for example, 3D games) that use such a display mode. Also, your display may become unusable when you change display resolution.

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