;Patch Script for Deluxe EXE [set] '%%PACKAGE_NAME%%' 'STRING_1' [set] '%%APPLICATION_NAME%%' 'STRING_2' ; get the language first for localized text [readreg] '%%LANGUAGE%%' 'Software\Maxis\The Sims' 'SIMS_LANGUAGE' [testreg] '%%OTHER_LANGUAGE%%' 'Software\Maxis\The Sims' 'SIMS_OTHERLANGUAGE' ; setlanguage must be done before any set commands that refer to the Strings.iff ; English is the default if this command is left out [setlanguage] '%%LANGUAGE%%' ; only set this value if OTHER_LANGUAGE is NONZERO (if it exists) [setlanguage] '%%OTHER_LANGUAGE%%' ; Read some relevent registry values into these tokens (to be used below) [testreg] '%%EPD_PATCH%%' 'Software\Maxis\The Sims' 'EPDPatch' [readreg] '%%GAME_PATH%%' 'Software\Maxis\The Sims' 'SIMS_DATA' [readreg] '%%GAME_EDITION%%' 'Software\Maxis\The Sims' 'SIMS_GAME_EDITION' ; Reset these tokens based on the newly set language [set] '%%PACKAGE_NAME%%' 'STRING_1' [set] '%%APPLICATION_NAME%%' 'STRING_2' [genericversionquitifequal] '%%EPD_PATCH%%' '1' ;; Verify the patch's necessity [verifypatchneeded] '%%GAME_EDITION%%' '16' ;; This ends the preprocessing and starts making changes ;; This is where the application brings up the first dialog box. [begin] ;; Check that the game is not running [writetest] '%%GAME_PATH%%\Sims.exe' [del] '%%GAME_PATH%%\GameData\Objects\phones.iff' [del] '%%GAME_PATH%%\GameData\Objects\phones.spf' [del] '%%GAME_PATH%%\GameData\Objects\CarPortal.iff' [del] '%%GAME_PATH%%\ExpansionPack2\flies.iff' ;; Execute the patch [del] '%%GAME_PATH%%\Sims.exe' [exec] 'patcha.exe "%%GAME_PATH%%" Deluxe.rtp' ;; Mark patch [writereg] 'Software\Maxis\The Sims' 'EPDPatch' '1'