Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield by Ubi Soft Montreal - German retail v1.0 -> v1.52 patch =============================================== Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield v1.52 (Build 381) =============================================== New fully integrated update system to help keep your game up-to-date. Now supports adding custom operatives (player made) to the game. Improvements for supporting for Athena Sword and future mission packs. Many small bug fixes =============================================== Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield v1.51 (Build 3xx) =============================================== Addresses the copy-protection problem with virtual drives. =============================================== Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield v1.50 (Build 3xx) =============================================== Added an Operative SDK. CD-Keys stored in the registy are now encrypted. Enhanced support for Athena Sword and future mission packs. Fixed some problems related to the "Immediate Firing Animations" option. Including the 3 round burst animation that was not exactly representing the shooting of three rounds and the pump shotgun empty reload sound that was missing. When connecting to PunkBuster enabled server, cancelling the connection then immediately re-trying to connect will generate various error messages. Modified Raven Shield codes so that it won't time out as easily when waiting for CD-Key authorisation. Solved some problems related to switching players in coop mode that most often would result in crashes or other strange behaviours. PunkBuster messages that are too long to fit on one line will wrap at the end of line to the second. Before they were simply truncated. Fixed a bug where the camera could get stuck in a certain position from time to time, usually at the start of a round. Fixed the case where "RavenShield" was displayed instead of the name of the map in the server list. Fixed the intro videos that would still play even when the game was started through a game service like Ubi.com, GameSpy or the All Seeing Eye. On a minimal install the intro Ubi logo was not played. =============================================== Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield v1.41 (Build 323) =============================================== PunkBuster Starting with this patch, Raven Shield supports the PunkBuster anti-cheat software from Even Balance, Inc. The use and installation of PunkBuster is optional; PunkBuster will be available as a separate install. Please note that PunkBuster is only available in English, but don't worry, it is compatible with Raven Shield 1.4.1 and up in any language. GameSpy Arcade This should have been mentioned in the release notes for patch 1.4. Raven Shield was already compatible with The All-Seeing Eye game service and is now also compatible with the GameSpy Arcade gaming service. Translation Fixes The previous Italian, German, Spanish, and French patches inadvertently introduced some minor translation errors where some texts were displayed in English instead of the game's language. They have been fixed. Immediate Firing Animation Toggle In response to the massive feedback, positive and negative, received from the players concerning the trigger lag, a toggle was added to make it optional. The new toggle, called "Immediate Firing Animation", lets the player select when the firing animation will be played: Immediately when the mouse button is pressed, or when the server confirms that a bullet has been fired. Please note that this animation is only cosmetic. Custom Mission Maps Patch 1.4 introduced a bug, making it impossible to play previously unlocked maps in Custom Game mode. This has been fixed. Memory Leak Patch 1.4 introduced a small memory leak each time a new map is started. When this small leak accumulates for many hours on dedicated servers, it can grow large enough to cause system slow-downs or crashes. The leak has been fixed. In addition, here are a few key pieces of information you should know about: - If you join a game through The All Seeing Eye (ASE) game service and you press the ESC key during the introductory video playback, Raven Shield will crash. Workaround: If you don't want to wait for the introductory videos to end when joining a game on The All Seeing Eye (ASE), you can rename your video directory to something else. Doing so will prevent the logo intro videos and the spinning RAINBOW in the map loadin menu from being played. Don't forget to rename it to its original name if you want to play a single player campaign. - If you try to join a game through The All Seeing Eye game service (ASE), you need to have PunkBuster Installed and Activated whether the server you are joining has PunkBuster activated or not. To activate PB, go in the option menu. - If you join a game through a game service (UBI.com, ASE or GSA) you won't get any early messages concerning PunkBuster activation/inactivation. PunkBuster will handled it directly at the start of the game. Make sure to have your PK activated in your option menu to avoid being quick out.When not using a game service to join a server, Raven Shield will give you the incompatibility messages before you can join. =============================================== Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield v1.4 (Build 315) =============================================== Bug Fixes - Sometimes, after throwing a grenade, players stay stuck in the throwing motion. This is being fixed. - Getting stuck on a ladder...being fixed. - It was possible to change the camera pitch while in-between round menus. This has been fixed. - Some players would not revert to the "not ready" state when a round was restarted. Also when an admin changed some settings in the server options while a player was set as "ready" the server would reload and everyone would reset to "not ready" but the checkbox in the GUI would still be checked. This is fixed. - The TK penalty box was not displayed if the console (or chat, map, etc) was open. This should no longer happen. Note that the console should automatically close. - Zoom mode became messed up when switching from operative to operative with zoom on. Zoom mode should no longer get messed up. - In the "Tab Menu", after a selection has been made (Play/Spectator/Green Team/Red Team), a player couldn't press Tab to return to the menu screen. - If a player played a round with CMAGS and then the CMAG were restricted between two rounds, the player would have kept his CMAGs. This has been fixed. - When an administrator crashed, killed his client, or lost connection while in the server options or kit restriction screens, the pre-round countdown would stay paused indefinitely. This is now fixed and the countdown should resume as soon the server detects disconnection. - When the sound volume is set to zero, the sounds are not played anymore. This may help speed the game on slower computers if the player is willing to sacrifice sounds for overall performance. - Fixed some message pop-up boxes that would either freeze specific menus or the game as a whole. - Fixed a few incorrect messages. General Improvements - Firing animation, sound and muzzle flash should now be completely synchronized with trigger pull. Additionally, the network code for firing bullets has been reworked and less information is now sent for each bullet fired. This will hopefully result in a performance improvement in heavy firefights in restricted bandwidth situations. - We're introducing a spam filter which is configurable in the server.ini and supports a voting option. The following is a description of the new variables in the server.ini to configure the spam filter: + SpamThreshold (default value = 5): If you use "say" or "teamsay" three (3) times inside the SpamThreshold period (5 seconds), the chat on your client will be disabled for a while. + ChatLockDuration (default value = 15): Duration of the chat lockdown if you trigger the SpamThreshold. + VoteBroadcastMaxFrequency (default value = 15 seconds): If you vote (to kick a player) more than once inside the VoteBroadcastMaxFrequency (15 seconds), additional messages won't be sent to the other players to inform them of your choice. - We tweaked the silenced weapon damage to hopefully make the silencer a real option in Raven Shield. Silenced weapons should now do a minimum of 50% of the damage their noisy counterparts do. Additionally, the silenced SPP pistol should now be even more "silent". - Drawing tool is now accessible between rounds. - Players will now automatically switch to their primary weapon when they've thrown their last grenade. - Two buttons have been added to change the map order in the "Create Server" menu. The admin now has the ability to change/add/clear the game password without needing to restart the server. The commands are: + lockserver true newpassword (this will set or change the password to newpassword). + lockserver false (this will clear the password). =============================================== Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield v1.31 (Build 309) =============================================== Overview -------- Patch 1.31 fixes the server crash during countdown. Details ------- - This patch fixes the server crash caused by armpatch download/upload. New armpatches were not sent to client correclty which eventually made the server crash. Other ----- For more information, visit http://www.raven-shield.com =============================================== Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield v1.3 (Build 308) =============================================== Overview -------- Patch 1.3 contains engine optimisations to prevent framerate drop during firefights. A new ban system allows hosts to ban cd-key instead of player IP. Details ------- - Optimisation to prevent framerate drop during firefights. We now only spawn one of non-visible impacts out of 16. This reduces the number of decals and the number of particles/Wall effects. Also first person weapons are no longer affected by projectors. - Fixed map download, there's now a visual effect related to downloading the map. Map files are saves to a temporary folder and allow you to play immediately after downloading. - Server restrictions work now correctly for high capacity mags, demolition kit, electronic kit, lockpick kit, and gas mask. - To prevent people telling enemy position by changing their name, the name and setname functions only allow one change every 60 seconds. - Implemented a new ban system linked to CDKEY. When a host bans a player, the ubi.com id number of the banned player appears the player banlist.ini. This player may no longer join the server anymore. To unban a player the host needs to delete the appropriate player number. To find out your ubi.com id use the command myid in the console. This id number is also be listed in the ravenshield.ini file. Refer to the Other part of the document for more details about the system banlist.ini is created when host player uses the ban command for the first time. The file is located on the servers machine in the system folder and can be edited. - fixed a sound bug that makes the editor crash when you convert stereo sound to mono. - ASE is now officially supported by RVS. Other ----- Here is in details the way the new ban system works New command: MyID A player banned from a server may appeal to a server administrator to become unbanned. To do so, the player will need to tell the administrator his id, which can be displayed by using the MyID command in the console. Alternatively the player may look up their id in ravenshiled.ini by searching for m_szGlobalID. New admin commands: To unban a player the server needs to manually edit the banlist.ini and remove the banned players id. You can also unban someone in the console by using the following commands: UnBan, BanList, NextBanList, and UnBanPos UnBan ##### If you have the id of the player you want to unban, simply issue the unban command with the player's ID. Player ids consist of 32 characters, however you may only need to enter the id prefix assuming there is only one match. If there is more than one match you must enter the entire 32-character id. BanList, Banlist ##### BanList displays the server's first 10 banned ids. If you add an id prefix it displays the first 10 matching banned ids. Each id in this list has a corresponding position, which is used with UnBanPos command. NextBanList, NextBanList ##### NextBanList displays the next 10 matching ids using the same criteria as BanList. Using NextBanList without first using Unban or BanList causes an error. UnBanPos ##### UnBanPos allows you to use the position index of a players id displayed using BanList or NextBanList. After using UnBanPos you must use BanList or NextBanList before trying this command again. =============================================== Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield v1.2 (Build 304) =============================================== Overview -------- There are two main reasons behind the release of 1.2. First, it enables compatibility between versions using different alphabets (cyrillic, latin, asian, etc.). Secondly, it serves as a client upgrade to support future Linux and Windows(TM) stand alone dedicated servers. Details ------- * Enables interoperability between localized versions, with different alphabets, for internet games. * Fixes the "ready button" problem where players could not press it and had to wait for the in-between round timer to run out. * Fixes the crash issue with the server list. The list is now displayed in a multi-page format with a maximum of 400 servers per page. * The server filter settings are now kept even when you quit the game. * Karma (ragdoll effect) has been updated, after much research and inspired, in part, by work done by the community. * Includes support for future Linux and Windows stand alone dedicated servers. * Removed the network connection check that was done even when in single player mode. Other ----- We acknowledge the absence of an interface to indicate that a map is being currently downloaded. We are hopeful that a fix for this issue will be available in the next patch. ASE will be "officially" supported in the next patch. We are still experimenting with an easy, user-friendly way to deal with it. =============================================== Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield v1.1 (Build 297) =============================================== Overview ====== This patch was created in response to the issues some people have with the CD Key system. The problem was when people have more that one network Interface and the first one wasn't their Internet connection. We are now checking if the network interface used by Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield is the one connected to the Internet. To know exactly where the error was coming from, we added some other error messages. Here is the list and their cause: "CDKey Server not responding please try again later" -The CD-Key server can not be reach by the player's machine. "You are not authorized to play on this game server" -CD Key server told the game server you are trying to connect that your CD Key is not valid. "Game Server could not receive your authorization from the CDKey server" -Game server can not connect to the CD-Key server "Invalid CD Key" -The CD-Key server detect that your CD Key is not valid "Your CD Key is already being used!" -The CD-Key server detect that your CD Key is already in used. This can happens when you try to connect back shortly after you leave Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield. Wait for 30 seconds and try again. "Unknown error, please try again later." -Internal or Unknown error. Details: ===== * Fixes the problem where some players do not get the count down at the beginning of the round - The dedicated server uses the appropriate port, when multiple servers are launched on the same machine * Makes sure that the ubi.com component uses the same network interface as the game engine itself * Makes sure that the -MULTIHOME= command line parameters' IP is passed to ubi.com initialization * Makes sure the network layer uses the right network interface (was causing the Invalid CD-Key message) * Added precisions to the "Invalid CD-Key" error message Other: ==== We are currently facing problem where there are too many servers in the server list. A temporary way to prevent the crash, in the master server list menu, is to start Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield using the -norunaway option.